Child Care


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Hands-on Care Needed For My Father In Haslet

Hands-on Care Needed For My Father In Haslet

Haslet, TX


Hourly rate

Part time

Job type

Starts May 26

About the job

About who needs care: Struggles with mobility and daily tasks. incontinent and needs help changing, bathing, bathroom and transitions. Dementia and memory...

About who needs care: Struggles with mobility and daily tasks. incontinent and needs help changing, bathing, bathroom and transitions. Dementia and memory trouble. Morning routine is us changing him in bed, he is usually wet beyond his diaper so we get him wiped up and dry, dressed and in his wheelchair. Then he eats breakfast and roams around in his wheelchair for a bit. Then we help him transition to his lift recliner where he will take a nap for a few hours. Then we get him back in his wheelchair for lunch and change his diaper, he will roll around for a bit after then he likes to go back to his recliner where he will take an afternoon nap. around 5 p.m. we get him back up for dinner then he goes to bed around 8-8:30 p.m. Right now he is recovered from a hip surgery and is receiving PT and will be starting personal training soon to work on balance and core strength. Hoping to be able to get him a little more mobile and strong. We need help as my Husband is starting a new job that takes him out of the state and I need more support when he is gone. About the care needs: Someone who can help with transitions and personal hygiene. Someone to sit with him while we get errands done once a week and help with morning or afternoon transitions if I am not free. Someone who can be patient with dementia symptoms, someone who has a sense of humor and is physically strong to help with showering and lifting. Services needed include: transportation, meal preparation, errands / shopping, light housekeeping, feeding, bathing / dressing, and mobility assistance.

Caregiver preferences

Mobility Assistance
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping
Transportation Required

Job schedule
