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6 Effective Dog Odour Remedies

6 Effective Dog Odour Remedies

Top tips for eliminating dog odours. 

No matter how much you adore them, your pooch is going to make the house stink. And that’s a bad smell you should get rid of instantly. Other than the dander, grime, dirt, hair, and the oh-god-what-did-they-eat situation, your pet dog has a way of bringing in that unwelcome odour anyway.

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It’s still manageable if you have a large property, but the moment it’s a question of a compact space, that stench starts filling in fast. To keep your stinky dog from making the entire house smell, a thorough cleaning will eliminate any lingering odour.

Here are the 6 effective dog odour remedies: 

  • Get an odour-resistant pet bed

Dogs are exposed to so much, from muddy roads to dirty streets. And they’re bringing it with them into the house, right into their beds. Dogs often like curling up in their beds for hours. That just makes it stink and accumulate dirt, grime, dander, and plenty of hair.

Cleaning them can be a huge hassle and a copper pet bed is your best bet. In a usual scenario, pathogenic microorganisms like virus, bacteria, parasites, and fungi commonly settle on pet beds. But in case of a copper-infused pet bed, the copper ions effectively destroy pathogen cells, the moment they come into contact with them to combat the spread of pathogens.

  • Vacuum and steam rugs and carpets

Vacuum as much as you can and when you can, we cannot stress this enough. You want to get rid of that dog hair and dog dander that had fallen onto the floor as quickly as you can. The longer that it sits there, the worse it’s going to be for that bad dog smell to accumulate and linger throughout your house.

You can also vacuum your hard floors because sweeping just stirs up the dust and dog hair in the air. And it’s just going to settle back on the floor. You can also use a pet robotic vacuum that you can run throughout the week for maintenance clean. And it does a great job at getting rid of dog hair and dander.          

It’s important to shampoo your carpets. There are often dog hair and smells trapped deep down into the fibres and vacuuming does not always pick that up. These carpet shampoos eliminate pet odour and pet urine effectively which you can use about two to three times a year.

  • Sweep and mop hard floors

While vacuuming is important, it’s also necessary to mop your floors. You want to scrub away that dirt and grime that can come from your dog, that doesn’t always get picked up by your vacuum. Also, make sure you use a good concentrate as a cleaner to effectively disinfect your floors.

  • Airing out your home

While it’s not really a silver bullet, letting in some fresh air will eliminate that typical pet odour that lingers throughout the house. Cleaning your home in the middle of summer and winter can be slightly tricky and expensive. So schedule your cleaning when the temperature is on the moderate side. Keep all your windows and doors open and turn on all the fans and air conditioners as well. While you’re at it, make sure your pooch doesn’t walk out the door. To make sure your pet doesn’t come in the way, you could install a pet gate.

  • Wash all linens and clothes

Any fabric lying around in your home is prone to accumulate odour, dirt, and grime. Put your couch covers, bed linens, and mop heads for a weekly wash. Before you put them back on, make sure they are completely dry. The moisture from your pet coupled with the semi-wet fabrics is only going to create a smell that will linger throughout your house.

  • Keep your dog clean

This is the most important tip to keep your dogs odour-free. Clean your dog regularly every week and a half to two weeks. Do not go any longer than two weeks. Giving them a bath is going to remove all that odour, dirt, and grime.

Being a dog owner is no easy feat. Pet odour is something all pet owners need to deal with; whether it’s a little puppy you’ve welcome to the family or a huge ferocious one you’ve had for years. With these simple remedies, you will no longer have to bear the bad smell.

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Kunal is a young and passionate entrepreneur, fascinated by the workings of the human body and natural solutions for common health problems. He’s single-minded in his aim to make Copper Clothing a brand that’s recognised across the globe, by partnering with global brands to make these high-tech materials easily accessible for everyone.