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How to choose the right pet for your family

Find a furry, feathered or finned family pet who is a perfect match with these five questions.

How to choose the right pet for your family

Having a pet is one of the biggest joys in the world, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. No matter which animal you choose, you and your family will be the ones who are responsible for its health and happiness. Pets can also have a big impact on the family and its dynamic. However, if you think things through and choose a type of pet that fits your home, family and lifestyle, you’ll be rewarded with all the love and affection one animal can give. So, here’s how to make the right choice.

1. Where do you live?

In case you rent or live in a strict suburb association, you might be quite limited about the type (or number) of animal companions you can bring into your home. So, before you even go looking for a pet, make sure to check with your landlord or your neighbors. Additionally, some dog breeds and animal species are not allowed in certain towns, states or countries (pitbulls are illegal in several U.S. states, UK and Canada).  

2. What’s your budget?

Taking care of a pet can be quite a shock for your wallet! Pets like dogs and cats need a lot of high-quality food, water and food bowls, crates, beds, collars, leashes, toys and vet visits. Birds need cages and reptiles require tanks that are heat controlled. Exotic parrots eat food that can be quite expensive, like nuts, veggies, fruit and pellets. Some types of dogs, especially bigger breeds, need obedience training and a lot of physical and mental activity to stay happy and healthy. So, if you think you can’t afford any of these, consider a different pet or reconsider getting an animal companion altogether.

3. What are your expectations?

Are you looking for a pet that will make a great running or hiking companion or an animal that will cuddle with you while you watch TV? Do you want a good family guard dog or a pet that will only provide you with cuddles? Shepherd and hunting dogs love to be active and will follow you and your family on all of your adventures. On the other hand, cats or miniature dog breeds make excellent leg warmers. Also, dog breeds like German Shepherd, Malinois, Rottweiler or Doberman are very loyal and can serve as great family home guards (if they are trained appropriately).  

4. Do you travel a lot?

If you work long hours or if you take frequent trips, you must know that some pets require constant attention, feeding and exercise. The best way to prevent loneliness in pets while you’re at work is to get a pair of them. Two cats or two dogs will be each other’s company until you get home from work. And if you really don’t want to leave your pups alone, you can always find a great puppy day care that will look after them until you return and make sure they get all the love and attention they need. Today, there are even pet hotels that will host your pets all through your vacation or business trip, no matter how long it is. On the other hand, reptiles can be without any attention up to two weeks and be just fine.

5. Do you have kids? 

Getting a pet for your kids is beneficial for their health, emotional stability, fitness and social and nurturing skills, so feel free to get them an animal friend. However, you must know that smaller kids aren’t yet ready to take on all that responsibility. Getting them a fish tank, a turtle or a hermit crab is a great way to see how they behave with animals without all the constant care and attention. If you insist on dogs or cats, Golden and Labrador retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs or Newfoundlanders are amazing family dogs, while American shorthairs and Burmese cats have a lot of patience with kids. These dog and cat breeds are quite energetic and playful, while also being quite gentle and caring.

If you carefully consider your living space, climate, family situation and lifestyle, no matter the type of pet you introduce to your home, you’ll find a new best friend and family member. Just be sure to give your pet a lot of love, attention and patience and you’ll all thrive as a family.