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101 free activities for kids

Looking for clever, fun and totally free activities for kids to do? We've got you covered with this great big list.

101 free activities for kids

Kids are always looking for fun things to do — even just minutes after you finish doing the latest fun thing (that cost you money and took you all week to plan). In fact, “I’m bored” is probably one of the most commonly heard kid phrases. Thankfully, there are a bunch of clever and totally free activities that you can do with kids, so there’s no need to break the bank to have some fun. With a little imagination and a few supplies that you can find at home, we’ve got you covered.

101 super-fun and free kid activities

  1. Read a book together.
  2. Participate in free kids’ programs at the local library.
  3. Make a painter’s tape highway for toy cars.
  4. Go for a nature walk.
  5. Turn items from your walk into nature crafts.
  6. Create your own comic book.
  7. Repurpose pool noodles to make lightsabers.
  8. Play hopscotch.
  9. Try a toilet paper roll craft.
  10. Walk around a local wildlife preserve and see how many different birds, animals and insects you can spot.
  11. Camp out in the comfort of the living room.
  12. Melt broken crayons to make new ones in cool shapes.
  13. Use mismatched socks to make puppets.
  14. Have kids help bag up a few unwanted toys that can be donated to a shelter so that other kids can enjoy them.
  15. Play hide-and-seek.
  16. Make a straw rocket and send them off into “space.”
  17. Play board games.
  18. Try making your own board game.
  19. Two words: science experiments.
  20. Make a list of the kids’ favorite things.
  21. Hold your own “crazy hair day” at home.
  22. Play a game of Simon Says.
  23. Make a sensory bin.
  24. Play charades.
  25. Trace interesting objects.
  26. Try a cardboard box art project.
  27. Use blocks and action figures to recreate your favorite places.
  28. Have a concert using homemade instruments.
  29. Write letters to soldiers or veterans.
  30. Move lunch from the table to a blanket on the floor for an indoor picnic.
  31. Put on a play.
  32. Have a scavenger hunt.
  33. Grab a deck of cards and play Go Fish.
  34. Set up chairs for a homemade theater.
  35. Have a fashion show.
  36. Enjoy a movie at home.
  37. Go through old family photos.
  38. Dress up in old clothes and have a photo shoot.
  39. Crack out the playdough.
  40. Practice making all the letters in American sign language (ASL).
  41. Tell stories — real ones or made-up ones.
  42. Make a fort using cushions, pillows and blankets.
  43. Do a puzzle.
  44. Try a game using just hands.
  45. Go crazy with the bubbles at bathtime.
  46. Turn out the lights for flashlight limbo.
  47. Use marshmallows as building blocks.
  48. Turn on the radio and have a dance party.
  49. Create some outdoor name art.
  50. Start a ‘zine or newsletter.
  51. Pick flowers and place them around the house.
  52. Grab some flashlights and tell ghost stories.
  53. Catch lightning bugs.
  54. Read the newspaper.
  55. Make fresh fruit popsicles.
  56. Make a card for someone special.
  57. Have a spa day at home.
  58. Have a fancy tea party.
  59. Use old gloves to make finger puppets.
  60. Visit your local park or playground.
  61. Play catch.
  62. Make your own potato stamps.
  63. Learn about another culture’s holidays or festivities.
  64. Make costumes out of old clothing.
  65. Attend storytime at your local bookstore.
  66. Get out the coloring books and crayons.
  67. Make paper airplanes.
  68. Go for a bike ride.
  69. Write a book version of your favorite movie.
  70. Make collages out of old magazines.
  71. Watch a kids cooking show together and then make a recipe.
  72. Line up some chairs as a bus and let the kids do the “driving.”
  73. Play dress-up.
  74. Make a scrapbook.
  75. Go hiking.
  76. Make an obstacle course outside.
  77. Make sculptures out of your recyclables.
  78. Push back bedtime so that you can stargaze.
  79. Make a creative snack together.
  80. Make paper bag puppets.
  81. Go to the park.
  82. Make decorations for an upcoming special occasion.
  83. Play I Spy.
  84. Make egg tempera paint.
  85. Paint some rocks.
  86. Draw caricatures of each other.
  87. Create a time capsule.
  88. Try your hand at coffee filter crafts.
  89. Go to an animal shelter and play with the cats and dogs.
  90. Visit an older neighbor.
  91. Read up on local history.
  92. Find some free printables online.
  93. Volunteer in your community.
  94. Take advantage of free admission to local attractions.
  95. Go for a run.
  96. Splash around in rain puddles.
  97. Wash the car and let kids be in charge of the hose.
  98. Jump rope.
  99. Line some chairs up one behind another and play train.
  100. Make masks out of paper plates.
  101. Set up an indoor bowling alley, using old water bottles as pins.

Need activities for a rainy day? Check out 101 rainy day activities for kids.