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Want to improve Academic Writing? Check these 5 Mobile Apps for Students

Want to improve Academic Writing? Check these 5 Mobile Apps for Students

Academic Writing is an essential skill that every student must develop in order to communicate his/her ideas clearly as well as powerfully. Academic writing can  be any of the task that students get from college or university, it may be homework writing, coursework writing, assignment writing or dissertation writing. It is said that writing every day improves the creativity of the mind. From assignments, essays, term papers, emails, projects, and so on, students have to write so many things all the time. Effective writing can help the students in achieving much better grades. Hence, it is really important for the students to keep improving their academic writing skills. And, to help them get along, here are 5 mobile apps that can help the students in improving their academic writing swiftly.

  1. Mindly

Leonardo da Vinci once said that “everything is connected to everything else”. But how does that imply in writing? Well, have you heard about the magic of Mind Mapping? Mind Maps are diagrams which can be used to organize your ideas in a visual manner. I can completely understand how difficult it becomes to put one word after another on a paper. Hence, mind mapping can help the students to collect and connect their ideas together. If students learn this technique, they can improve their writing skills very with no trouble.  

Whether it is an essay, a dissertation, or any other writing task mind mapping can ease the process of writing as it becomes easier to put all the ideas together, relate them, and then organize them. Mindly is one such app that lets students create and share mind maps on any topic. This super simple and minimalistic app that lets students brainstorm, create, collect, and plan their writing easily. It even allows emailing or printing the mind map directly. Hence, it can be a great option to capture your ideas on the go!

  1. Evernote

Ideas can click into our minds anytime and it’s not always possible to jot them down on a paper at that moment. As a student, you might have also experienced this at times. Not only this, students also find it difficult to organize their notes properly. In such a situation, a mobile note-taking app can keep the students on track and Evernote is one such great app. It has been designed for the writers exclusively.

It keeps students life in order as it allows them to create notes very easily and since it is available on your mobile phone it can be used anytime, anywhere. One can create different notebooks and keep the notes organized in them. Students can include images, voice recordings, and even set reminders through this app.

One of the greatest features of Evernote is that it works everywhere – IOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and on the web. On upgrading from the free version, students can sync their notes and notebooks over their devices and get access to numerous cool features such as chat. But, the free version itself can be a boon for the students who are willing to improve the writing constantly. Amazing, isn’t? Check out these tips to use Evernote.

3. Coffitivity

Does your creativity increases in a coffee shop? Well, who doesn’t love coffee shops? It’s a place with a peaceful ambience, where you can find a quiet space of your own, concentrate, and write better. The soothing music of the coffee shops with little noise of the chit-chats going all around is enough to trigger your writing power.

Even studies show that low level ambient noise can improve the memory and concentration among students. But, we cannot always go to the coffee shop whenever we want to write. So, Coffitivity helps you bring that peaceful background noise of the coffee shop anywhere you want. All you need is a mobile phone and your headphones to let your creativity flow through your mind onto your paper. Students can find multiple Coffitivity audio tracks to choose their ideal environment and can even use it offline.

4. Grammar up

Till now we have talked about the apps that can help you in developing a habit to write consistently. Now, let us discuss the apps that can help you improve your writing skills. Writing is actually a combination of tasks such as gathering ideas, brainstorming, organizing your thoughts, and expressing them in a language. Hence, whatever you write should be correct in terms of grammar. If the students lack grammatical skills then, their writing could be confusing.

Grammar up is one such app that lets you learn the basics of English grammar easily. With about 20 categories of grammar such as verbs, prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, synonyms etc, Grammar up includes thousands of questions so that students can improve their grammar and vocabulary as well. An impressive and smooth interface with an option to check one’s progress allows the students to learn grammar in an effective way.

5. Magoosh Vocabulary Builder

Another important aspect of writing is vocabulary. Short of words can often lead to difficulty in expressing your ideas. A good vocabulary thus, can help the students in writing exactly what they mean. Students can create a good assignment, essay, or paper if they know the words that fit the best in their writing context. Using appropriate words can also put a great impression on the professors and teachers. A good vocabulary can allow the students to mould their writing accordingly. For example, if you are preparing an essay you can choose simple words and if you are writing a dissertation you can use more complex and technical terms in it.

The Vocabulary Builder app offers a fun way to learn new words via quizzes. It gives the definitions and example sentences of every word as well. Students can choose from the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels and track their progress as they learn.

Writing is not a very difficult thing to accomplish. In this era of Technology, students can improve their academic writing skills on their own very easily and from anywhere. Whether it is organizing their ideas, enhancing their creativity, or improving their language we have a mobile app to achieve them all. You must have heard that practice makes a man perfect! So, you can surely make a difference if you practice writing on a daily basis.  If you who feel that you are lagging behind because of your writing remember that you are just an app away from improving your academic writing skills!