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6 Ways to Soothe Your Crying Baby in Public

Babies love a good cry, and they don't care where they do it. If your child starts screaming in the juice aisle or on a plane, here are some ideas to help soothe her.

6 Ways to Soothe Your Crying Baby in Public

Kids love exploring their surroundings, so you’re eager to take your child with you wherever you go. But at the supermarket or in the cafe, your baby lacks the familiar surroundings of home that can help calm her when she is upset. Take a moment before you help your baby so that you’re calm and prepared. “My ultimate advice to parents with a fussy baby is to take 10 breaths and get calm and centered before they pick up their baby,” Gouge says. Don’t flee the store with your crying baby. Instead, try these six tips for handling the little (and not-so-little) meltdowns in public.

  1. Wear Your Baby
    Irene Gouge, a pediatric sleep specialist at Loving Lessons, says that wearing your baby in a baby sling or wrap is helpful. “They can smell you, and that can help them stay calm,” she says. Even if you’d prefer to have your baby in a car seat or stroller when you’re out, consider tucking a wrap or sling into the baby bag so you have it if you need it.
  2. Check the Temperature
    Sometimes the solution is as easy as finding out if your baby is too hot or cold. If you have your child in a carrier, wrap or sling, they can overheat. If your baby’s face is flushed, try taking her out of the carrier or wrap to see how warm he is. Likewise, if you’re in the frozen foods aisle and baby suddenly begins to wail, she could be telling you that it’s too cold for comfort. Try to warm her up or cool her down as needed.
  3. Use Process of Elimination
    The more you know your baby, the easier it is to calm her. Have a mental list of things that you know irritate her. If you can rule out hunger, then move on to other possible causes. That will give you some idea about the best way to proceed, whether it be a quick diaper change, some gentle back rubs or simply a pacifier.
  4. Use White Noise to Soothe
    Whitney Moss, co-author of “The Rookie Mom’s Handbook,” suggests finding something nearby that can offer some soothing white noise. “In a restaurant, you could enter the bathroom and turn the automated hand dryer on for a dose of white noise,” she says. This steady hum may be a welcome change from the overwhelming chatter and music of the restaurant floor.
  5. Go With the Tried and True Options
    “If you don’t have a pacifier,” Gouge says, “swaying or jiggling your baby can calm her.” You can also try the popular five “S’s” method from pediatrician Harvey Karp — swaddle, side position, shush, swing, suckle — to soothe your crying baby.
  6. Know When to Go
    While making a mad dash for the exit isn’t the best course of action, sometimes a quick trip to the front of the store can help. “Take a break and go outside,” Gouge says. “The fresh air can help calm your baby before you head back inside.” Know that unfamiliar smells and harsh lighting can annoy your baby, so getting her away from them may quiet her.

Sometimes you can try your best and you just have to leave. But if it gets to that point, you have tried everything and done your best. Next time will be better.

And try these tips on How to Soothe a Crying Baby With Toys and Gadgets.

Natalie Vereen-Davis is a freelance writer and travel blogger. She’s also mom to an adventurous toddler girl, her favorite little travel partner.