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3 Ways to a Winning Interview

Now that you have gotten the job interview you’re a bundle of nerves! 

3 Ways to a Winning Interview

We’ve all been there.  So how can you ace that interview?  Here are a few sure fire ways to impress your future boss. 

Be prepared!  Bring letters of recommendations from previous employers, teachers and coworkers.   Make sure you have made copies so you can give these copies to the family that you are interviewing with.  Don’t forget a copy of your resume. 

Be on time!  Punctuality counts more than anything so on time usually means ten minutes early.  If you feel prepared and are not rushed you’re less likely to be nervous.

Smile and be friendly!  A smile goes a long way and be yourself.  Just relax and know that you are capable and can do the job. 

Here are a few articles that will help you put your best foot forward.

How would you put your best foot forward during an interview?