New Transitions

228 Hazen St
Waterville, MN 56096
228 Hazen St, Waterville, MN 56096
507-362-4746 507-362-4746

New Transitions

228 Hazen St
Waterville, MN 56096
228 Hazen St
Waterville, MN 56096
507-362-4746 507-362-4746
At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

In business since: 1991
Total Employees: 11-50

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.

Program Details

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Ratings & Reviews

( 10)
I have worked at NTI. They actually care about the people. This looser who didnt even make it through 5 months sat on her phone and could care less about the people she was supposed to care for. This site allows anyone to write anything and it's really unfair to the hard working and caring people that work at NTI.
I have worked for several years at NTI and get very upset about the complaints of the previous poster. She was hired as a house lead for 18 per hour. The reason she got such a high wage is because she was required to work all shifts, day eve, night. so the direct care staff do not have to work more than their scheduled time. She agreed to this and then after she was hired started whining about having to work other shifts. She hardly ever had to work 15 hours shifts like she reports. More than a few staff are glad to see her go. Amazing how she agreed to get the high wage and then reneged on her part of the bargain.
This is a terrible place to work. They over work you and expect you to be able to work 15-16 hour shifts on less then a 12hr notice whether you have kids or not. The RN is very rude and treats staff poorly. All the staff at one of their house consistently told the RN that one clients was not able to transfer with one person and that it was a huge fall risk for the client and staff. The RN and owner would ignore our complaints and just tell staff "you obviously don't know how to do proper transfers." When I started they were transferring this client into a wheelchair with NO working breaks, for over a year! The RN and owner did not care about the safety of the client and the staff. Also you don't have a predictable schedule working here. You never know what your working for the next week until 3 days before the week is suppose to start. Both the houses need major updates. The one house had kitchen chairs with duck tape all over them and the kitchen floor has chunks of tile peeling up, causing tripping hazards and the kitchen cupboards down shut all the way. One clients bedroom carpet is all rippled causing a tripping hazard but they will not do anything about it, because it's the owner's house he grew up in as a kid. I highly recommended not working here. The only good thing about this job is the pay rate, but they expect you to make this job your #1 priority. You also don't get your vacation time when you put in your request a month or more in advance. One of my coworkers put in his vacation request 4 months in advance and the program director/RN waited until 4 days before he was leaving for his vacation, that he needed to find his own replacement. And it was either find his own replacement or be fired. You don't have a life when you work here!
I spent a couple of years working at NTI. Like most places, there were a few people who called in or didn't do what they should but overall I would give them very high marks for quality care. Especially the RN director who is dedicated to the ladies we serve.
I worked for NTI for about 9 months. Its the one place that I feel provides quality care. Dont work there if you want to sit around and ignore the clients.
I am very familiar with the care given at New Transitions. The remarks made by Janine and the other 2 are fradulent. They were fired before they even finished orientation. Sour grapes!!!
I recently work at New Transitions in their Waterville location and I'm posting this as a warning to anyone applying there or considering care. Don't do it.
I ignored the other awful reviews and red flags before accepting a job there and it was a huge mistake. First off, I'm shocked this place hasn't been shut down for neglect. They feed the clients tiny portions. Theyre also too cheap to supply adult diapers for clients with incontinent. So clients have to sleep in urine soaked clothes and sheets at night if they have an accident, until overnight staff check on them. The entire house reaks and is severely outdated and unsanitary. Also one night while doing laundry a mouse ran across the floor, I wish I was making this up.
Secondly, the people who run the house are ridiculously unprofessional. They will fire you on the spot for any reason, a woman before me was fired for reporting two med errors. They fired me for saying they made me quit my other job, which is absolutely true. In my interview I was overjoyed they were offering 14/h and agreed to put in a two weeks at my other part time. That was agreed on then a few days later they told me if I continued working my other job, I would be "discontinuing my employment with them." When I left this place they held my check for almost two weeks and I had to blow up their phones until they agreed to pay me for all my hours. I could barely get a text back from them while I was working there, even if it was about my training and hours.
Third, they have past violations I didnt know about, including a med error that put one of the clients unresponsive in urgent care. Here's the link:
This company is an insult to home care. I seriously am warning everyone to avoid New Transitions at all cost.
Please do your homework before sending a loved one to this facility. If you are applying for a position, see the reviews first, these people are misleading. If it sounds too good to be true it is! This company is a prime example.
I've never been one to complain about a company AT ALL and I've been working in this field for many years. BUT I just felt like I needed to warn anyone and everyone about this company.
I was hired as an assistant director for this company. The two people running the business asked if I was available for weekends prior to my start date in order to begin training, which I agreed to. A week after my interview, the RN (who is apart of management and is the director) contacted me and told me I could not have contact with the consumers until I completed a background check during weekday business hours. Due to my current job, I was unable to make time right away (my start date was still 3-4 weeks out). After arranging a bunch of prior commitments at my current job, I attempted to contact the 2 managers MANY times, leaving voicemail after voicemail. Finally a week later they returned my call and I scheduled the background check for the next day. By this point, my start date was less than a week away. I completed the background check on a Wednesday and didn't hear from the company so I attempted to contact them MANY times once again. Finally on the following Wednesday, I was contacted and told to come in that Friday for a 1-5 training. I arrived at 1 and the RN told me I could leave at 1:30 because she "forgot" all the orientation was online. She said I would receive a confirmation from the orientation portal either later on Friday or Monday but I should have it completed on Tuesday. Mind you, the orientation was videos and quizzes that took me over 24 hrs to complete. I finished the orientation on Tuesday and left the company many voicemails from then until Friday afternoon when I was contacted and told they no longer want to hire me. They said I "took too long" on the orientation and then began bashing my work ethic. Excuse me but I've been the one attempting to contact you for the last month, don't you dare bash me. The topping on the cake was when they said I lied when I told them I could work weekends and that I haven't been in a single weekend. Which I was told I couldn't have contact with the clients until everything was completed!!!! Finally, they said they'd cut me a check for an hourly rate when I was hired for salary pay. Which after consulting with many professionals, I found out is illegal!

Aside from my terrible experience, the poor consumers had to live in awful conditions! The house stunk so bad, the ladies just listened to the same music every time I was there and basically just walked laps around the house. Also, hasn't been updated in at least 40 years and is very unsanitary. I would NEVER recommend this company for anyone to work for let alone for a family to bring their loved one to live.
New transitions out of Waterville

I am not one to do this but .... this place is not a place you wanna work... first off they hired me and I came in and did paper work and trained for two days ... I then got a text last night not to come in today because I haven't started online training so I did all the training courses but one left last night .... I texted the manager (she does everything RN, DC, AD) I completed all but one this AM and she then texted me "please don't do anymore online courses" then an hour later I got an unprofessional text that they are discontinuing my orientation from the owner. Just so everyone is aware I passed my back round check and have worked in this field for many years... Second the DC/AD/Manager is super controlling, very very judgmental, unprofessional, unorganized and has very poor communication skills... Third the facilities are not nice at all, they do not have cable for the individuals that live there they watch the same movies and listen to the same cd's, I feel like they are not getting enough calories in their diets all of them were about 90 pounds, an outing for these individuals is to go to the local tool store "Ron's" to walk the isles, I am sorry but what kind of outing is that? Why would a older woman want to go to a local tool store first off .... how about the mall for a walk or go to the YMCA, instead of having them walk circles around the house for 15 minutes. Another thing that I about choked on my water when I saw is a staff washed a clients bottom the rag which was full of fecal matter and washed it out in the sink and then had the client brush their teeth... oh and the kicker is they never sanitized the toilet seat where fecal matter was on they just wiped it off with TP and the next client came in to use the shower( which was never sanitized) and to use the toilet which wasn't sanitized!!! Oh and brushed their teeth as well in the sink that they washed out the client before fecal matter in.... and the part that really got me was as they gave a client a shower they put back on the same depends they had on the night prior after the shower... I am sorry but I don't put on the dirty underwear I take off before my shower and put back on after I am clean. This company needs the state to come in for sure I don't even think the individuals personal files were even up to date not including everything else!! Not to mention the license posted in the facility expired 1/16.
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