At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

A Special Introductory rate of $14.99 is available for a limited time. Please call (904) 861-0424 NOW to see how we can help you and your family.
In business since: 2014
Total Employees: 2-10
Awards & Accreditations
AHCA Licensure, Member of BBB. Nursing Service Organization (NSO) insured 1M/3M.

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.


Monday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday :
Sunday :

Program Details

Companion Services
General companion care
Medication reminders
Meal preparation
Grooming assistance
Light housekeeping
Respite care
Personal Care Services
Bathing, dressing, grooming
Ambulation assistance
Transferring and positioning
Feeding and special diet
Skilled Nursing Care Service
Alzheimer's/Dementia care
Stroke care
Skilled nursing care
Medication management
Parkinson's care
Travel Radius(in miles):

Cost & Availability

Type Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
Hourly Rates
Live-In Services
Short shifts
  • Private Pay|
  • Medicaid|
  • Veteran's Benefits|
  • Long term care insurance

Ratings & Reviews

( 2)
William M
Philip and Linda O'Connor own and founded the nonprofit nursing registry, Home-Call Healthcare to give back to the community by helping people with acute illnesses and chronic degenerative diseases stay in their homes while they receive treatment where they will feel the most comfortable and secure for recovery or for palliative care. Because they are a non-profit organization, they are able to save customers money by accepting donations through fundraisers. All proceeds received from charitable fundraisers are used to lower the hourly cost that the clients have to pay, making patient care services more affordable. Philip and Linda O'Connor have a very broad knowledge of healthcare after working in the nursing profession and occupational therapy rehabilitation administration for all their professional careers. I highly recommend this nursing registry because they deliver superior, exceptional nursing care and other healthcare services. My personal experience was during August 2017; when my wife was admitted to the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida and both Philip and Linda O'Connor came to be with me and my wife at the hospital. I will never forget what it meant to us, to have them at my wife's bedside in the Emergency Room and later in the hospital room, showing how much they cared. I truly believe that their love and support helped my wife to make a very quick recovery and she was discharged a couple days later. Thank you so much for all that you have done to help others.
William Moffett Jr.
Laura M
I highly recommend Home-Call Healthcare, a non-profit nursing registry, provider of various healthcare services in the home setting, enabling patients who are permanently disabled or who are suffering from acute or extended illnesses to remain at home for treatment, where they will always be treated with the highest respect and dignity.
Philip and Linda O'Connor founded the non-profit nursing registry, Home-Call Healthcare in 2014, in Jacksonville, Florida. They are the perfect team for a nursing registry because of their extensive healthcare knowledge and because they value all people, and want to help during an individual's most vulnerable time of life. I have personally known Linda O'Connor RN, Administrator of Home-Call Healthcare for over 36 years, and I can tell you that she is one of the most gracious, caring individuals that I have ever known. She radiates love, always striving to serve others with dignity and compassion. Linda and I graduated from nursing college in 1985 and have worked together over the years as professional nurses, and I can verify that she is an outstanding nurse and healthcare administrator, by her exceptional nursing skills and how she empowers her staff to perform all patient care with excellence. Linda is loyal, intelligent, inspiring and dedicated in caring for others in the hospital or home health nursing in a wide diversity of healthcare practice areas, caring for neonates to geriatric patients. Linda empowers others to become the best that they can be, and is always giving compassionately to anyone in need.
Philip O'Connor, MBA, OTR/L, is my oldest brother whom I have loved and admired my whole life. Philip always strives to go above and beyond for all his patients whenever he is needed. Philip has over three decades of experience as an Occupational Therapist, and medical-surgical rehabilitation experience in managing patients suffering with acute and chronic diseases as outpatients or in the home setting. Philip is a very successful owner and administrator of Home-Call Healthcare and several other healthcare rehabilitation businesses in previous years. Philip's goal in life is to serve others, give back to the community and make a difference in this world. Philip is very honest and loyal and will ensure quality healthcare for all. Philip has excellent rapport, understanding and communication with his staff, patients, family members and the multidisciplinary healthcare team. He is very experienced in evaluating and treating patients requiring occupational therapy rehabilitation and managing patients suffering with diseases associated with aging. Philip treats all individuals with compassion, respect and individuality. Philip has a gift for motivating others and striving to do his best at whatever he does. He is a natural born leader, with his influence and impact extending far beyond to many others.
Philip and Linda are living their calling in life, as administrators of Home-Call Healthcare, a nonprofit nursing registry to serve others in the community.
Laura Moffett RN, BSN
A Special Introductory rate of $14.99 is available for a limited time. Please call (904) 861-0424 NOW to see how we can help you and your family.
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