DreamMakers House Cleaning

330 Engbert Rd.
Johnstown, PA 15904
330 Engbert Rd., Johnstown, PA 15904
814-254-4718 814-254-4718

DreamMakers House Cleaning

330 Engbert Rd.
Johnstown, PA 15904
330 Engbert Rd.
Johnstown, PA 15904
814-254-4718 814-254-4718
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

In business since: 2010
Total Employees: 2-10


Care.com has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Care.com Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.

Program Details

Service Details
Bathroom Cleaning
Kitchen Cleaning
Window Washing
General Room Cleaning
Surface Polishing
Bed Changing
Oven Cleaning
Furniture Treatment
Refrigerator Cleaning
Wall Washing
Cabinet Cleaning

Cost & Availability

Type Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
  • Personal Check|
  • Cash

Ratings & Reviews

( 2)
I will post the exact same review I posted on the other sites about this scam company.

The user Jeremy S. is spot on!! He does not lie when he says these people are rip-offs. The owner is the worst. She is all out for money with her little odd-end jobs that are all about getting paid and she is a very rude person. We just got a rental in August and hired them then to clean the rental before we even moved in. That should have been so easy!! No furniture or anything! Oh my god!!! Could I have done a million times better of a job than this junk! The dishwasher was left uncleaned, the stove, the refrigerator, the dust on the baseboards, the windows. There was even some type of syrup on one part of the kitchen floor that was stuck on there and I was watching for them to get that. The idiots leave it.

I called and told her what a horrible job and that I have taken photos of everything that was left with dates on them. She said she would have them come back and do more work. So they come back and the only additional things that were done were the dishwasher and stove. Again, not even a good job of cleaning those. She calls later that day and tells me she came by and took photos now as well and that it looked great in her opinion. She then proceeds to argue that we now got 2 hours free and should be happy. How laughable. They didn't even do their jobs right in the first place but we get 2 hours free?

Trust me, I know this woman owner a little bit personally and she is big into making up all kinds of businesses she knows nothing about and being a get-rich-quick schemer. This had to be the most awful service I've ever gotten.
Elizabeth R
The cleaning aspect was good. They did go as much into detail as I thought but definitely was a vast improvement compared to what it was before they came. I also did not give them many specifics on what I wanted done so I can not fault them for being unable to mind read. I live further than they liked but was charged a fee which I completely understand since gas is expensive. The first week they cancelled on me because 1 of the girls was sick(it happens). The next week they came later than anticipated and did not stay very long. Again I was only charged for what they came for so while not to happy I figured at least its something. The girl before she left said we are scheduled for next week. Obviously I assumed this since I had requested 2 days anyway. I waited an hour and called to leave a message to make sure nothing happened after nobody showed up. I did receive a call back the next day that they were not coming anymore because it is not worth the drive and my 2 scheduled days were up(the one cancelled). To conclude if you are willing to pay and live close to them then they may work for you. Prices are slightly higher than the norm but they provide a lot of the cleaning supplies.
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