Nanny Needed For 1 Child In Newburyport

Newburyport, MA

$22 - 30/hr Part time

Starts September 2

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

Our sweet boy, who is turning 4 this summer, will be starting preschool this fall. This will be a major shift for our family. We are two working moms so he and his brother (18 mon old) currently go to daycare 9-5p. We are seeking childcare for after school hours and school calendar vacations. He has an autism diagnosis so we'd prefer someone with experience working with neurodivergent kiddos. He is verbal and out-going. His biggest challenges are self-regulation and hyperactivity. Structure and routine are important for him so we would ask that there are set activities majority of afternoons and plenty of outdoor time. If all goes well during the school year, this would be an opportunity to turn into a full-time nanny role for the summer and beyond. Ideally, if the fit is right, this person would be with our family for a few years.

Additional details

Who you'll care for
1 Child aged 4 - 5 years

Caregiver preferences

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am