The Home Life Report

With more businesses recognising the importance of work-life balance and the benefits of flexible working initiatives than ever before, people are now spending more times in their homes than the generations before them. Furthermore, the requirements of members of the household to ensure basic tasks are completed are continuing to change, with the role of technology and automation already alleviating the strain on parents and their children.

While the emergence of new technology is a great thing, it’s important that children learn the importance of work and contributing to the household in order to create a strong work ethic that is transferable to school and eventually, working life.

In this report, we surveyed 805 UK parents about their attitudes to home life and explored their attitudes across a range of topics.

View the full report here.

Topics include:

  • Which home tasks parents would like additional help with
  • What factors affect families from hiring home help
  • The use of cleaners
  • What would be a fair wage for certain home assistance roles
  • The sharing of household chores and childcare between parents
  • Asking your partner to take on additional responsibilities in the household

This report documents the questions asked of our respondents, and their answers. It also provides expert commentary to give context to responses, making their insights valuable to real life application.

Furthermore, it highlights just how much the makeup of a home and the opinions of its occupants vary when it comes to attitudes towards general life today but what is clear is that parents across the UK are trying their hardest to find a balance and maximise the wellbeing on their children and themselves.

For further information or access to the data from this report, please email