For Consultants

The Leading Provider of Family Care Benefits

Care for Business partners with consultants to offer a full range of benefits for companies of every size to increase productivity, retain top talent, and support the diverse needs of their workforce.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Working caregivers need help

73% of employees have caregiving responsibilities.1 Without access to care, employees are likely to miss work in order to care for a loved one.

A survey of employers and employees with Care benefits found:

  • 9 days of missed work a year were avoided on average thanks to Backup Care
  • 65% of employers believe productivity increased as a result of offering Care benefits
  • 70% of employees say they’re more likely to stay with their employer because of access to Care benefits

1. Harvard Business Review, 2022

Care benefits drive business impact

Increase employee productivity

76% of employees say Care benefits boost their productivity

Retain top talent

60% decrease in turnover for employers that offer child care services

Support a diverse workforce

90% of employers say Care benefits support a diverse, inclusive workforce

Care benefits support employees at every life stage

Care Membership

Unlimited, premium access to the world’s leading network for finding short- and long-term care to help your employees care for all they love—kids, seniors, pets, and more. Learn more.

Backup Care

Backup Care offers a quality, vetted, subsidized solution to help your employees cover those times when their regular, ongoing care is unavailable—which means fewer missed work days and increased productivity. Learn more.

Care Specialists

Care Specialists provide 1:1, expert guidance and support for everything from daily distractions to major life decisions—helping employees to stay focused at work and less time researching, reviewing, and pricing care needs Learn more.

Care for Business Product Guide

Everything you need to know about offering Care benefits to your clients, how to get started, and an overview of the employee experience.

care app showing care services

Streamlined access to care benefits on one platform

Employees can: Access their care benefits via the Care app, your customers’ web portal, or by phone.

Employers can: Monitor program utilization through their custom HR dashboard.

Resources for Consultants

The Ultimate Guide to Evaluating Family Care Benefits

Download this best-in-class RFP template to evaluate the benefits space.

family care benefits

Why family care benefits are essential in uncertain times

When the care crisis peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic and the “Great Resignation,” and more than 4 million people resigned and 50% of families left a job due to caregiving
Read more about Why family care benefits are essential in uncertain times
Family Care Benefits

Why Spend on Family Care Benefits

The formula for measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of employee benefits is, on its surface, pretty simple: (Payback – Investment)/ Investment) *100. But which investments should you count? And,
Read more about Why Spend on Family Care Benefits
care specialists

Care Specialists increase productivity and retention, boost diversity

Life’s daily distractions and major life events are impacting your employees every day. Whether they’re trying to find the best care options for their aging parent, moving across the country,
Read more about Care Specialists increase productivity and retention, boost diversity

Support your clients with Care benefits today

Connect with a member of our Consultant Relations Team to get started.