
Care Membership

Support your employees with unlimited access to the world’s largest network for finding and managing care for children, seniors, pets, tutoring, housekeeping, and more. 

Care app showing care membership services

Trying to find reliable, affordable, and trustworthy care can cause your employees undue stress, making it harder for them to focus at work.

With access to the Care Membership, employees can search for, be matched with, and hire a vetted caregiver. They can also connect with local families to create a nanny share or learning pod.

Care when and where it’s needed

Safety Center

We background check all caregivers and give users access to a best-in-class safety center for additional resources.

More choice

Connect with individual caregivers, child care centers, and other providers—all on the largest network for care.

Save LifeMart

Discount offers

Employees have access to discount offers on child care, education, nutrition services, and more.

Helpful resources

Learn more about the importance of care

How We'd All Benefit from an Investment in Childcare

How We’d All Benefit from an Investment in Child Care

When it comes to benefits and making smart investments in today’s economic climate, employers are looking for strategies that are low in risk and high in rewards. This is exactly
Read more about How We’d All Benefit from an Investment in Child Care

8 Ways Senior Care Planners Can Help Employees Navigate

America is getting older. By 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that the number of Americans 65 and older will increase to 55 million. By 2030, to 70 million. You
Read more about 8 Ways Senior Care Planners Can Help Employees Navigate
Family Care Benefits

Why Spend on Family Care Benefits

The formula for measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of employee benefits is, on its surface, pretty simple: (Payback – Investment)/ Investment) *100. But which investments should you count? And,
Read more about Why Spend on Family Care Benefits