Looking For A Pet Sitter For 2 Other Pets In Troutdale

Troutdale, OR

$15 - 16/hr Full time

Starts May 31

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

Needs to be uncovered mornings and night around 8:30-9:00 both am and pm (Hence if you put him to bed at 8:30 p.m. wake him up at 8:30 a.m. ). Needs to be taken out for about any hour a day. Water needs to be changed every morning . Food check ( making sure he has enough. Bathing him . Placing pool with clean water every time it dirty . If he is not using it then take it out and spray bottle him with warmish water . Cage cleaning ! The cage needs to be cleaned every week ! News paper with be where you can see it and cloths to clean will be as well. Cleaning with just water and weeping the floor for fallen poop and food Inside perches need to be cleaned as well and poop and dust in between the bars . Light needs to be left on while you return to put in to bed . Forging tray should be left only when not around. No grabbing and only touch head

Additional details

Who you'll care for
2 Pets: 2 other pets

Caregiver preferences

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am