Need Help With Household Chores

Brewerton, NY

$15 - 25/hr Part time

Starts April 30

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

Recently widowed with school age kids. I'm having trouble getting everything done with kids' activities, my job, and household chores. I have someone who cleans the house every other week, but what I really need is someone who can come by during the week and help with all that stuff that just really adds up to me having no time to spend with the kids. This is stuff like loading/unloading dishwasher, sorting laundry, wiping down counters, swiffer kitchen floor, vacuum high traffic areas, scooping litter boxes, taking out trash/recycling, just everyday chores so I can take an evening off from chores some nights. Also if you're into organizing stuff, I have a few rooms that could use it! Thank you for looking.

Additional details

Job details
Home Size: 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Frequency: Every week
Services Needed:  General Room Cleaning,  Laundry,  Pet waste cleanup,  Organization (beyond standard tidying),  Vacuuming and/or mopping

Housekeeper preferences

Comfortable with pets

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am