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post strpke demylination disease
By Steven W. on Fri Oct 14, 2016 at 7:47 PM EDT
I have suffered from tbi's and cvva's. What is now the worst is waking up in the morning, or it wakes me up. It is called post stroke muscle constrictions so severe, and escruciating pain that my inner thigh muscles lock up and sometimes it has made me pass out from the pain! The hospital in VT. broke my heppa rights, & stooped so low to contact my medicare. Cant go to any VT. state /federal agengy, because they too,screwed me over, by coarcing my daughter who is bi-polar, & threatenned her, because her girlfriend got into trouble, so now my daughter gets high by telling the hosp./doctors lies about me. I just had a major fall where i lost conciousness, & cracked my scull at my doctors office, so he dropped me as a patient. Unfortunately i cant defend myself, 'cas they say (now) i am a violent person, which is not least bit true! I even have emails sent to state, & they have different 'font' from diff. years i printed them up!! Lost hope with people that r suppose to help disabled, yet she' set me up' back in 2011. never showed up fr corrupt divorce. I ws warned about be careful. dont mess with DCF! mOVIE, '1 FLEW OVER COOKOOS NEST', Well they did that to me with 1 shot of a drug called SE-QU. which told me it would cure my cluster headaches! Well i had a reaction instantly, so i went to Mayo Clinic, & my PC. broke my protected AOC laws, & told them i ws a threat to society, & they strap me down , gave me 5 shots of medicine that kills u, if u had history, og heart disease and strokes, but i collapsed, & stood up. Asked where bathroom was? They rushed me out of that hosp. in 22 hours! I forgot to tell u 1 year before that i went to Dartmouth hitchcock hosp. Only people to know ws council on aging. in VT. tHEY dnr me!! I was screaming, before i lost conciousness. My brother must of walked in, cas i ws recindered. this hosp. denies this. I need care now!!!! I ve been to Cleveland Clinic, they confirmed all this. My problewm is i am so sick & tired. i am good for 1 hour, maybe 2. I cant get any body to come in, cas state has me as a violent man, yet i dont have 1 charge of raising my voice. Dementia so bad, i cant remember if i told you, i fell life 7 months ago, & cracked my skull. If i been forward i will have another stroke. MY FAMILY LET ME DOWN FOR A MERE 20 K REWARD!(plus my trust, & trust fund! my estate!! I am only 62, & now so stupid?!! My organns r cutting out! Hosp. changing my records. I did contact medicare. told me to have my new pc. in NY to call them, but he was toldf not to work on me.(turned out he took a bribe! (also took 1 from me, a gold nugget watch, so i could gt oxygen!! Everyone is afraid to help me. I have a tape recording, sayiung go to the FBI, but i now need an advocate, be4cause of my aphasia!! & if i touch my notes i gt them all mixed up out of order. They stole my pride.. my health, my eyesite, & i just want a caretaker to bring me3 back to cleveland clic, so i can donate my estate, & give caretaker good share. life span of vascular dementia with care is usually around lil over 3 years. I am on 5 years, and i get lost imn my dreams! The dr. wont even give me an antibiotic!! I know this sounds crazy, but i ws beating state, on theiiiiir own games of corruption, but they messed with my brain cells, & nothing i can do. I even got the govenor to stop running, & semi apology from congressmen of VT. from Washington, D.C., but im afraid of those strokes everyday, with my lregs. Dr5. know! (my daughter just had my last headwound changed! Saying my brain is typical of a man my size & age! (ny. doctor told me what i already knew! My older MRI, was abnormal! Dont know what to do? this sibest i have done in 9 monthes, but i cant even save this, or print it! (PS!!, I WANTED to place3 an ad for help for caretaker, good pay, but need to be good organisor, & advocator, & possibly fly down to CLEVELAND WITH ME, before i die, soon!) Tuckered out from aphasia. I KNOW THERE IS NO POST LIKE THIS. Last time i did something like this, put it on public media, & thats when things got acomplished, but they stopped my meds!! I really need a good caretaker! SW