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Overnight pay rates?
By Mary B. on Mon Jan 7, 2019 at 11:12 AM EST
Hi, I'm a single working mom that has to travel for work. I typically travel from Philadelphia to LA once a month. Up until now, my 15 month old daughter has gone with me on each of those trips. I have a quick one coming up and thought I'd do our first attempt of having her stay home for the two nights I'm gone.

I'm conflicted on what to pay. I will leave after my daughter is dropped off to daycare on a Wednesday so the babysitter will bring her home, feed her and bathe her and put her to bed by 7 pm. She sleeps until 6:30 and can be taken to daycare anytime after 7 am. She would then do the same thing Thursday night and I expect to be home to take her to daycare on Friday.

Essentially, she'll have about three "awake" hours a day with my daughter and then she will be asleep. Would it be reasonable to pay her going rate of $15/hour for the awake hours and a flat $50 overnight rate? I should add that she's a single mom and is bringing her three year old son with her.

Also, should I leave prepared meals for the babysitter herself?

Thank you in advance for any help! I'm nervous about leaving her but feel like it's better than dragging her cross country for two nights when we have to go for a week at the end of the month as well.