
Quick Checklist
with kids
with seniors
with other animals
with strangers
Energy & Exercise
Training Needs
Grooming Needs
Size: Medium
Lifespan: Long (12 to 15+ years)
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The most popular of all cat breeds, the Persian also holds the honor of being one of the oldest. It is thought to have originated from Persia and Turkey in the early 1600s, before coming to the U.S. toward the end of the 19th century. If you want a gentle, non-demanding cat, the Persian is the perfect pet. They fit in well with most households, although they may need some extra time to adjust around loud or active children. But make sure you have time for their daily grooming--if you have a busy schedule, you may not have the time necessary to keep the Persian's long, elegant coat healthy and tangle-free.

General Care

Like most long-haired cats, Persians need to be brushed daily to keep their coats both tangle and parasite free. And, since it's best to keep Persians indoors, brushing will also reduce the amount of unwanted shedding on your furniture and clothes. It's also important to consistently clean your cat's eyes with a cotton swab, as Persians, with their short noses, are susceptible to tear duct blockages. As always, check with your veterinarian with any questions you have about the health or care of your cat, and be sure to keep up with regular vaccinations.


For more information about Persian cat ownership and care, check out the Persian and Himalayan Cat Rescue of Northern California.

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