Find a Nanny Share in Salt Lake City, UT

Average Salt Lake City nanny share cost:$10.76/hr per family*.
Find a family to start a share in Salt Lake City, UT.

Considering sharing a caregiver? Be sure to do your homework: Nanny shares and shared care arrangements may be subject to various licensing requirements or prohibited in certain states and jurisdictions. Research local laws and regulations.

Here are some profiles in Salt Lake City:

Erin W.'s Photo

Erin Salt Lake City, UT

1 Infant
Care need: Full-Time
Also seeking a nanny
We have one baby and two fur babies (dogs). We moved to Milwaukee last year for my fellowship from San Diego, CA. I grew up in Michigan and my husband is from California. Our first son was born in April and we are enjoying the first full summer here. My husband works from home, which has been helpful during the last year of the pandemic. He will continue working at home as we get back to normal. We like to spend as much time outside as we can! We cook a lot and are active people and take the little guy and pups on walks as much as we can. Our ideal nanny share: We are looking for a full time nanny share. Because my husband has flexibility on his work hours, there is flexibility on what full time means with regards to days of the week and hours. We would love to find a family that we get along well with that can start to socialize our child with. Since my husband works at home, it would be great to host at our place, so he can be around to periodically see the little guy. We also understand if people would want to host at theirs, and if that is the case we can coordinate splitting the time. We care a lot about providing stimulation for the kid(s) with music, books, reading, singing, tummy time, etc... We are looking for a family with similar values. We are both vaccinated and concerned that our little one is not. We are comfortable with vaccinated people holding him and being around, but would like the family we nanny share with to be equally COVID conscious.
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*Nanny share rates are estimated using hourly rates posted on by families seeking full-time care for a single child in a particular geographic area. Nanny share estimates assume 33% increase over traditional nanny cost and do not reflect any sharing of cost across multiple families. Actual costs to employ a nanny share may vary and estimated costs do not include additional increases for taxes, insurance, or benefits.