Find a Nanny Share in Colorado Springs, CO

Average Colorado Springs nanny share cost:$10.60/hr per family*.
Find a family to start a share in Colorado Springs, CO.

Considering sharing a caregiver? Be sure to do your homework: Nanny shares and shared care arrangements may be subject to various licensing requirements or prohibited in certain states and jurisdictions. Research local laws and regulations.

Here are some profiles in Colorado Springs:


Katie Colorado Springs, CO

1 Infant
Care need: Full-Time
Also seeking a nanny
We are Katie and Brett! In September we moved to the area for work. Brett works as a Surgeon and I am a nurse, we both work. In our home we have a dog, 10-year old mini schnauzer, named Misty. She is blind, has about 4 teeth, and loves to sleep all day but we still love her. We also have a young cat, named Purr. His got a very playful energy, and will play fetch with his mouse until the end of time. This is our first baby and we couldn't be more excited! My due date is in September 2019. We love the outdoors, especially hiking and skiing/snowboarding. We are also travel enthusiasts and can't wait to share our love with our baby. Our ideal nanny share: Our work often has very demanding schedules. On the 3 days I work I will need to have the nanny share in my home as I will be gone for 14 hours during the day. Alternatively, I would need to have someone come to pick up the baby in the mornings before I leave and then bring the baby back at night if you have a strong feeling about having the share in your home or would like to split the days evenly. I would like to have another full day which I would be happy to bring the baby to your home. We don't have a defined parenting style yet, but in general we aren't very strict people and will keep an open mind. The most important thing to us is a happy and healthy baby. I love the idea of a nanny share because I want my child to be comfortable with other children and people.
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*Nanny share rates are estimated using hourly rates posted on by families seeking full-time care for a single child in a particular geographic area. Nanny share estimates assume 33% increase over traditional nanny cost and do not reflect any sharing of cost across multiple families. Actual costs to employ a nanny share may vary and estimated costs do not include additional increases for taxes, insurance, or benefits.