Glendale Career College - Glendale

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Caregivers attending Glendale Career College - Glendale


Ryan R.|Santa Monica, CA

$25-50/hr 38 yrs old

Responds within a few hours
After hearing my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and my grandma with dementia, my family and I realized that finding help was a hard thing to do. It was hard to look for someone who would take care of them like one of their own family. We realized that most people cared for the money and nothing else. As a result of this, I decided to take care both of them instead. For most people, they would see it as a burden but I realized that caring was really fulfilling. Nothing beats seeing a love one smile and live life as they should. That's when I enrolled into a nursing school. I realized I could help more if I was a nurse. From the start, patients loved me because I treat each one of them as family. I make sure they're taken care off before and after my clinical shift. I'm the first student in and last student out. Patients would look for me even if they had a different nurse assigned to them. I would also spend enough time for each patient to chat, bath, clean them and make sure they're okay. I also help with their daily activities most the time. With my clinical experience, my patients ranged from older people who just needs companionship to patients who are quadriplegic who needs complete assist. Furthermore, I was responsible for administering patient meds and treatments (breathing treatments, insulin, and dressing change). In short, whatever the patient needed I was there to help them out. Rest be assured that if you give me a chance to help your loved one, I'll be like an extended part of your family. They just won't be a random person to me, they'll be someone that I would care about. Lastly, what separates me from the rest? No job is menial. I go the extra mile always for others. If your loved one needs someone ASAP, I'm there!
Background Check
Showing 11 - 18 of 18
Displayed caregivers have had active profiles within the last 60 months but may not have current active accounts or background checks. Results are illustrative only and may not reflect current availability. members have access to active, background checked providers.