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Cashflow....a constant challenge
By Andrea M. on Sun Sep 2, 2012 at 1:15 AM EDT
It sounds like time to see if you qualify for any type of assistance. Food Stamps and Food Banks are one that many qualify for but don't approach. Also, free school lunch. As for the emotionally & physically, in my Non-Denominational Church there are divorce groups that offer much of that needed support. Google what is available in your area and do what I call "group hopping" to find the fit for you (if any). God heals all. There will be tough times ahead, but also growth both in you and with you and your family that will shine through the pain. As a single parent, I am so amazed at the bond between me and my adopted daughter! I chose this path and do not regret it for an instant...
By Girlfriends Guild G. on Tue Sep 18, 2012 at 8:15 PM EDT
Hello Amy
Just a quick hello and a question...
If I knew there was something outstanding that could dramatically improve your cash flow and simultaneously create an extraordinary revenue stream to help off-set some of your financial pressures. Would you want to know about it?
Let me know... because if you do wish to learn more... I'll send you the link to a webinar taking place a few times this week at 9:30 PM eastern.
Trust me, if this were not outstanding... I would not be taking my time or risking credibility with you...
By Jesse A. on Thu Oct 4, 2012 at 3:32 AM EDT
Cash flow is a constant challenge...but that 's not the hard part about being a single parent. Yes, you will continue to live paycheck to paycheck, we all do. But as the financial restrictions creep into an unbearable reality, you will find yourself becoming more resourceful, creative and intuitive. I have my daughter 24/7, and I have never received a penny of child support. I wish I did...sorta

But as I said before, that 's not the hardest part about being a single parent. I love my 8 year old her!...but I am beginning to realize I have lost my identity and have simply become..."Emma's Dad". I catch myself acting socially awkward, looking at the ground more than I ever have...walking behind my daughter, as opposed to with her. I have cared for her so often and so long that it 's all I know. Friday nights...watching SpongeBob with a beer I found behind the juice boxes. Yay!

My divorce has left me bitter and better, happy and sad, free but alone! I miss the touch of a woman, the night time snuggle and the joy of having someone to share the responsibility of raising a child, now almost a young woman. But with all that said, I 'd rather be a great Dad, then an okay husband. I have embraced my situation and love the fact that I am the lucky one to raise my beautiful girl. I love spending time with her, love the memories we have made and the lessons of life I am teaching her. Yes, financial burdens are tough, but loneliness is always cold! Warm yourself by being a loving parent.
Emma's Dad
By Jessica B. on Thu Oct 4, 2012 at 10:13 PM EDT
I was interested in this post because I am a newly single mom looking to spend on a dime and thought there might be some input from a wiser collection of adult, instead I found a good cry. Emma's dad, thanks for showing me how a father SHOULD care about their daughter and helping me stick to my guns about leaving. What is that saying about finding the real advise you need when you need it most?
By Latoya C. on Wed Nov 14, 2012 at 3:46 PM EST
I will tell you how I do. I am a single mother of 3 children. I am a homeowner and make a decent wage but with a mortgage, a car note, and three kids things didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped. The best thing you can do for yourself is cut out discretionary spending. Eating out was my number one thing because I work and come home and don't want to cook. Well now I have to cook. To help me in that I have found that when I go grocery shopping if I clean, season, and separate the meat I'm going to cook into portions, then throw them in the freezer, when I leave for work, I can take something out of the freezer to defrost, or if you don't believe in leaving meat out, put it in the fridge overnight, and then throw it in a pot ot the oven as soon as I get home. Steam bag veggies have become my best friend and, Italian dinners, i.e. spaghetti and meat sauce or baked ziti have become my bestfriend. So that tip takes care of eating out.

I know a lot of people hate to even consider it, but sometimes you need it! Get over yourself and apply for social services if you can qualify. I have done it. I think of it as a stop gap to hold me over until I can do it on my own. I have been a working tax paying citizen since I was 17 years old, but when I turned 27, I needed social services, I applied I qualified and it helped me get on my feet.

Next and te most helpful COUPON, COUPON, COUPON!!!! I just started this but my question is why did I ever pay full price for ANYTHING????!!!! In the time I have been couponing I have gotten so many things for free! I haven't paid for dishwashing liquid in months. I haven't paid for toothpaste in months, I haven't paid over $15 for household goods worth $100 in months! It is extremely time consuming and it basically becomes another job, but when you can't go anywhere anyways because you're too broke, at least spend that time finding ways to save money. Get online, get on couponing sites like Souther Savers if you are in the South. Get on Southern Savers even if you aren't in the South just to see how it's done, there is Coupon Mom as well and so many out there just look. You will hate every second of couponing but your wallet will LOVE the savings! I coudln't stop now even if I wanted to, and trust me I do. But I can't afford to go back to spending like I was.

Cosignment shops are awesome for toys and clothes! I can't afford to buy new clothes for my kids anymore, just too costly. Find a nice area and go to a cosignment shop in that area, You will get great clothes, decent shoes, and great toys at a fraction of the cost. With kids growing the way they do, it make sense! I used to spend $100s on clothes, refuse to do it now. I'm going cosignment shopping this weekend. My oldest hit a growth spurt and can't fit much. If you want to get an expensive gift for your kids, like say a game system, used is the only way to go, Craig's List has become my bestfriend, I haven't bought a new piece of furniture in ages, I can't afford it, and I won't pay "new" item prices. It's all about negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.

Amy I have to say, you are a woman after my own hear. :-)
By Beth S. on Thu Mar 13, 2014 at 12:09 AM EDT
Hi, I'm new and on a trial base because I don't know when the next time I'll get money.

I have to say AMEN to you all. We all go through the stress of being single with children but with god backing us up I can assure you that he will direct you!!

God Bless
Beth S.