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Stephanie S.
Hägersten Stockholm, 126 50
Från 75kr SEK /timme
Från 75kr SEK

Om Stephanie

31 år
Hello! My name is Stephanie, I am 28 years old and am from Mexico originally. I have had dogs since I was 10 years old and have a strong love for animals in general. I had an American Eskimo/Spitz and currently a Jack Russell Terrier in Mexico. I also have experience in taking care of cats, as I own one now for 4 years. I consider myself very intuitive when it comes to animals and can understand when they want to play, eat or be given some space for example. I can guarantee you that you will have a responsible and punctual pet sitter/walker. I will inform you always with updates and every detail of what is being done when I take care of your pets. I hope to hear from you soon and meet your lovely pets! I live near Mariatorget. I have references for dog walking also.

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Äldre husdjur
Vuxna husdjur
Yngre husdjur
Små hundar: < 10 kg
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Tjänster och priser

Pris per timme

Pälsskötsel 100 SEK / timme

Pris per session

Daglig matning 100 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 100 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 350 SEK / natt
Hunddagis 250 SEK / dag