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Rhian G.
Kungälv Västra Götaland, 442 31
Från 75kr SEK /timme
Från 75kr SEK

Om Rhian

29 år
Hi! Pets are a valued member of the family, just as equal. I have always grown up with cats and fish in my own home, and dogs with friends. I have plenty of care of taking care of my own cat, including sick cats as a foster carer. I of course also care for my fish, with water changes and checking their temperature and values. I have helped with friends and family care for walking their dogs, including a family member who helps to train guide dogs and so have experience there also. I am more than happy to help with feeds, cleaning the catbox, walks (both cats and dogs) water changes with fish and checking values and others too. I always ensure food bowls are left tidy and clean, and the happiness of the pet. English is my native language (UK) and I am learning Swedish. I do not currently have access to a car but I do have a license. I do not have any allergies to any pet and have been tested for this.

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