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Milda G.
Bromma Stockholm, 168 52
Från 75kr SEK /timme
års erfarenhet
Från 75kr SEK

Om Milda

22 år
My name is Milda, I'm 18 years old and currently a student at Rytmus in Stockholm. Sometimes it feels like I can communicate with pets telepathically, understand what they want, what they feel. I love they way pets understand emotions and come to cuddle whenever you feel bad, they're our little and most important angels. When I get to care for a pet, I don't see it as work, I see it as hanging out with a friend, I talk with them like humans, I take them with me on hikes, I comfort and cheer them whenever they get scared or sad. I think the fact that I've cared about all kinds of pets, from cats to rats, to dogs since a very young age has given me a lot of experience with all kinds of scenarios, from good to bad, so I usually know what to do. Whatever you want me to do, from just taking him for a walk, to looking after him for a longer period of time at your or my house, I'll be there!

Har erfarenhet av att ta hand om

Vuxna husdjur
Yngre husdjur
Stora hundar: 20–30 kg

Tjänster och priser

Pris per session

Daglig matning 100 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 100 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 300 SEK / natt