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Hedieh S.
värmdö Stockholm, 177 38
Från 75kr SEK /timme
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Från 75kr SEK

Om Hedieh

32 år
I'd like to apply for the position of Animal Care Worker in your wonderful organization. I am a Global Politics student at Malmö University, but I have always wanted to work with animals. I used to have animals like dogs, but now I have a lovely cat. As I grew older, I always assisted in their care, and this is where my interest in this field began. I did some volunteer work at a local animal shelter, where I assisted in the care of animals who had come from difficult home situations or who were simply unwanted pets. Any animal that is uprooted and transported to a new location undergoes a great deal of trauma, and they may not be in the best of health. It takes time to care for these animals and ensure that they are on the right diet, have the right medications, and are well-cared for so that they can be placed in a new home. I've worked with a wide range of cats and dogs. I am a patient and caring person who works very hard and is committed to my work. I have no obligations and am available to work any hours or shifts that are required. Moreover, I've taken an online course(the Truth about Cats and Dags) with the aim of understanding more about the behavior of cats and dogs and the new ways to communicate with them.
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Tjänster och priser

Pris per timme

Djurtransport 160 SEK / timme
Pälsskötsel 275 SEK / timme

Pris per session

Daglig matning 160 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 215 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 275 SEK / natt
Hunddagis 275 SEK / dag