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Ellen M.
Solna Stockholm, 170 63
Från 75kr SEK /timme
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Från 75kr SEK

Om Ellen

27 år
Hi! My name is Ellen and I love all kinds of animals! From a young age I have been surround by dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, sheep, cows and just about anything else you can imagine! I am from Ireland and have two family pets, a border collie and a terrier named Midge and Ruby. My partner and I have just rescued a dog from Spain named Pixie. She’s a Spanish hunting dog mixed with a terrier, and she has the cutest personality! I treat every animal as if they were my own, so each animal should be treated with the respect and care they deserve. I understand that every pet has their own personality and specific needs, and I like to make sure they have the least amount of anxiety as possible. I am an art teacher by day, but I am obsessed with animals! I look forward to going home and being greeted by a wagging tail!

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Små hundar: < 10 kg
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Pris per session

Daglig matning 115 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 150 SEK / promenad