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Anastasiia N.
Uppsala Uppsala, 756 43
Från 160kr SEK /timme
Från 160kr SEK

Om Anastasiia

21 år
My name is Anastasiia, 20 y.o. I am from Ukraine. Now I live in Uppsala and I am looking for a job related to simple pet care. I have had many experiences looking after the pets of my friends and relatives. For example, I have looked after a 3-month-old Yorkshire Terrier. My duties included walking, playing, feeding, cleaning and bathing as needed. I also looked after an adult and very active Staffordshire Terrier. I have no bad habits as smoking and work out at the gym, so I have enough stamina to run and actively play with the dogs outside. I am also great with cats. I have had a lot of experience with cats and caring for them. I know how to change the litter box, play with cats and pet their favorite places. I looked after a kitten when my friends were away. I also regularly looked after my sister's two cats. I dream of getting a cat in the future. I am calm, kind and affectionate, so often animals like me as much as I like them. I am also very responsible and reliable, so I will treat your pet with great care.

Har erfarenhet av att ta hand om

Vuxna husdjur
Yngre husdjur
Små hundar: < 10 kg
Stora hundar: 20–30 kg
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Tjänster och priser

Pris per timme

Pälsskötsel 275 SEK / timme

Pris per session

Daglig matning 160 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 215 SEK / promenad
Hunddagis 275 SEK / dag