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Sweta S.
Halmstad Halland, 302 38
Från 150kr SEK /timme
Från 150kr SEK

Om Sweta

30 år Talar Hindi Engelska
Hi! I am an optimistic person and spread positive vibes to people around me. The ultimate goal in my life is to become a good human being. I believe in living life to the fullest and doing experiments with life in order to keep it lively. When it comes to work, you can say that I am a multi-talented person. I can cook good food. I can take care of children, having more than 2 years of experience with children. I am a graduate so I can teach children as well help them in getting their homework done. I am super active, so I can help children with co-curricular activities too. I am really interested in music. I can sing and dance well. I am good at drawing also. I like to write short poetry and articles. I believe learning is a life-long process, so I keep on learning in whatever way it is possible. If I don't know anything, I am willing to learn it as quickly as I can. I love accepting different challenges and cracking those challenges. I hope you will find me a good fit for the job. Thanks & Regards, Sweta
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur

Har erfarenhet av att ta hand om

Förskoleålder (4-6 år)
Småbarn (1-3 år)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Kan ta hand om fyra eller fler barn

Vad jag kan göra

Tillsyn under simning
Hämta och lämna
Matlagning / Förberedelse av måltider
Lättare hushållssysslor

