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Alexandra v.
Umeå Västerbotten, 906 55
Från 150kr SEK /timme
års erfarenhet
Från 150kr SEK

Om Alexandra

25 år Talar Engelska Afrikaans
I have recently immigrated to Sweden from South Africa. I am studying Life Sciences at Umea University. I am incredibly responsible and dedicated. I am organized, helpful and passionate. I have extensive experience in children's party and event entertainment and coordination. I love children and have spent the better years of my life thus far involved with children, particularly with parties/events but also I was an au pair for two young girls for a year before I immigrated. I have a very large family and thus I have a lot of home experience with children and childcare. I am looking for part-time work that is flexible and that brings me a sense of joy whilst also assisting me with maintaining my financial independence. I look forward to joining your family team and helping you live a balanced, organized and joyful life. I thank you for your consideration! Please feel free to contact me for more information or for a copy of my CV.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur

Har erfarenhet av att ta hand om

Förskoleålder (4-6 år)
Tonåring (12 år och uppåt)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Kan ta hand om upp till tre barn

Vad jag kan göra

Tillsyn under simning
Matlagning / Förberedelse av måltider
Lättare hushållssysslor
Nattning av barn


Erfarenhet med småbarn
Första hjälpen-certifikat