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Yeslin A.
Från nullkr SEK /timme

Om Yeslin

28 år Talar Engelska Spanska
Hello! My name is Yeslin and I am a 27-year-old girl living in Limerik. I am the oldest sister and I have grown up taking care of him. I also have five cousins that I have cared for for many years. I love children and have always had a knack for connecting with them. I am patient, caring, and enjoy spending time playing and learning with them. I have experience in caring for children of all ages. I have helped my brother with his homeworks and played with his friends. I have also cared for my cousins, from the time they were babies until they have grown up. I am looking for an opportunity to be an au pair so that I can live a cultural experience and learn more about childcare. I am available to travel anywhere in the world. Here are some specific examples of my childcare experience: • I helped my brother with his schoolwork every day. • I organized games and activities for my cousins when they were young. • I helped my cousins with their homework when they were older. I am a responsible, organized, and eager-to-learn person. I am confident that I would be an excellent au pair. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


Småbarn (1-3 år)
Spädbarn (under 12 månader)
Tonåring (12 år och uppåt)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Förskoleålder (4-6 år)

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