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Vale C.
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Om Vale

21 år Talar Engelska Spanska
I like to work with children since I think children are great and fun we have a lot to learn from them I have two younger siblings so I have always taken care of children one of them has autism so I could also work with children with special abilities since thanks to my brother I have learned and researched many things about various learning methods and techniques that can be used in children with special abilities. Because of this, I consider myself a creative and fun tolerant patient who always seeks to do different fun activities with children. How to cook, draw or play sports. On the other hand, in my experience I have volunteered as a Sunday school teacher in a church and I also did my university practice in a school where I taught carving and classes to the children of the community.I also have experience in pet care since I have volunteered in animal rescue organizations in addition to being able to do domestic work such as cleaning or laundry.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


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Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Förskoleålder (4-6 år)

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