Care Jobs

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Responsible & Friendly Au Pair Required

by Elizabeth • Kettering, United Kingdom
Our family is looking for an au pair. You should be looking to live near Kettering and be willing to care for our children. If you're interested in this role please send us a message and tell us about yourself. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
Duration 12+ months

Luotettavaa, ystävällistä ja iloista au pairia etsitään

by Sami • Pirkkala, Finland
Pidätkö lapsista? Pystytkö pitämään huolta 2 lapsesta? Haluaisitko asua maassa Pirkkala? Jos vastaus kaikkiin kysymyksiin on kyllä, olet hakija meidän mieleemme! Lähetä viesti ja kerro itsestäsi. Odotan innolla yhteydenottoasi.

Au Pair Needed - Join Our Family!

by Dominic • Tonbridge, United Kingdom
We're looking to welcome an au pair into our family home in Tonbridge. Your main responsibility would be to help out with our child. Please don't hesitate to get in touch for more information. Please send me a message to discuss this job further.
Duration 1-3 months

Werde ein Mitglied unserer Familie!

by Björn • Düsseldorf, Germany
Hi, wir sind eine fröhliche Familie aus Düsseldorf, haben 1 Kind und suchen ein Au-pair . Wenn du nach Düsseldorf kommen magst und für einige Monate unserer Familie beitreten möchtest, schreib uns doch eine Nachricht und stell dich vor. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, schicken Sie mir bitte eine Nachricht. Danke.
Duration 6-12 months

Childminder wanted for afterschool hours in Galway city

by Jennifer • Galway
Dear Childminders or Nannys, I have 2 little girls aged 4.5 and 2.5 who I need care for 3 days per week here in our home. We are a professional couple who live between Salthill / Galway city centre. Both children will be attending preschool and junior infants from September til 1 / 1.30PM, their schools are short walking distance from our home. Our hope is to find someone who could collect them from school and care for them in our home til 6pm 3 days per week, and ideally cover the full days over school holidays. (if this is not enough hours work this can be negotiated). We would love someone responsible who will enjoy caring for our girls, who has ideas how to keep them busy as well as offering down time, and who is reliable and kind. Ideally we want someone to start in August as I will return to work and to have the girls familiar and settled by the time they start school.
€174 - €22316 Hr. / Week

Office Cleaner Required

by Caterboss • Carlow
Responsible cleaner in Carlow R93 wanted. We need someone to hoover and mop the stairs once a week, clean the toilet and general chores. We have robots that mop and hoover the main office areas so that bit is taken care of, its just stairs, landings and keeping the toilet area clean
€24 - €302 Hr. / Week

Wir suchen ein liebevolles & fröhliches Aupair ab sofort

by Leela • Nürtingen, Germany
Hey, wir sind Leela 42, Rumi (Mädchen 8) und Lovis (Junge 3) und wohnen in einem kleinen Häuschen mit Garten in Waldnähe am Rand von Nürtingen. Es ist alles in unmittelbarer Nähe erreichbar und Nürtingen eine sehr schöne Kleinstadt. Ich bin mit den Kindern alleine und suche daher Unterstützung bei den alltäglichen Dingen und für Kindersitting am Nachmittag, damit ich arbeiten kann. Also Spielplatz, Spazieren gehen, malen, basteln, Spaß haben! Ich arbeite von zuhause aus, bin daher auch immer in unmittelbarer Nähe. Wir reisen gerne und haben auch vor, evtl im Winter eine längere Reise zu unternehmen. Vielleicht bist du ja offen uns zu begleiten? - Du bist aufgeschlossen, kreativ & positiv - bist liebevoll mit Kindern - bist selbstbewusst - arbeitest selbstständig & eigeninitiativ - hast ein A1 Certificate dann freuen wir uns dich kennenzulernen :) Lg Leela
Duration 3-6 months

Household Help Needed

by Shreya • Kilkenny
Responsible cleaner in Kilkenny R95 wanted. You will be responsible for services such as Bed changing, Refrigerator cleaning and Oven cleaning. Please send me a message to discuss this job further.
€22 - €282 Hr. / Month

Fun Loving Au Pair Wanted

by Diana • Rugby, United Kingdom
Hi my name is Diana and I am looking for a new au pair to join our family in Rugby. If this sounds interesting then we can't wait to hear from you! Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
Duration 12+ months

Werde ein Mitglied unserer Familie!

by Mihaela Cristina • Karlsruhe, Germany
Mihaela Cristina sucht nach einem Au-pair. Ein Au-pair sollte gern in unserer Familie leben und Lust haben, 2 Kinder zu betreuen. Wir können es kaum erwarten, dich kennenzulernen! Wenn du also daran interessiert bist, unser Au-pair in Karlsruhe zu sein, schick uns doch einfach eine Nachricht und erzähle uns von dir. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, schicken Sie mir bitte eine Nachricht. Danke.

Want to be an Au Pair in Greater Geelong?

by Joni • Greater Geelong, Australia
Hi, we are a happy family from Greater Geelong currently looking for an au pair. Your responsibilities would include helping to care for our children. If you would like to join our family then send us a message and introduce yourself. Please send me a message if you are interested.
Duration 6-12 months

Verantwortungsbewusstes, freundliches und fröhliches Au-pair gesucht

by Heather • Kaiserslautern, Germany
Wir haben 2 Kinder und suchen nach einem Au-pair. Wir wohnen in Kaiserslautern und benötigen für einige Zeit Unterstützung. Vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, dir unser Gesuch durchzulesen. Wir freuen uns darauf, bald von dir zu hören. Bitte schicken Sie mir eine Nachricht, wenn Sie Interesse an diesem Job haben.
Duration 3-6 months

Au Pair for Family in London

by Chidi • London, United Kingdom
We are currently looking for an au pair to become part of our family. Our ideal au pair would love working with children and want to experience life in London. Please send us a message if you are interested. Best wishes, Chidi. Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
Duration 12+ months

Reliable Childminder Needed for Our Child In Dundalk

by Peter • Dundalk
Need a childminder to look after our child. Ideally you would have a few years of experience, references and live near Dundalk A91. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
€11 - €14 / Hour

Lapsirakasta Au Pairia Etsitään

by Mikko • Tampere, Finland
Olemme suomalainen perhe, joka etsii lapsirakasta ja vastuuntuntoista au pairia avuksemme arjen pyörittämiseen. Perheeseemme kuuluu kaksi vilkasta ja energistä poikaa, 6-vuotias ja 7-vuotias. Etsimme au pairia, joka voi auttaa meitä lasten hoidossa ja arjen askareissa sekä tuoda uutta kulttuuria ja kieltä kotiimme. Tehtävänkuvaus: Lastenhoito ja koulun jälkeinen toiminta: Lasten hakeminen koulusta ja heidän vieminen harrastuksiin. Leikkien, pelien ja ulkoilun järjestäminen. Kotitehtävien valvonta ja tarvittaessa auttaminen. Kotityöt: Pienten kotitöiden tekeminen, kuten kevyet siivoukset, lasten huoneiden järjestäminen ja ruoanlaitto lasten aterioille. Aikataulu: Työajat ovat joustavat, mutta pääsääntöisesti iltapäivisin ja iltaisin sekä viikonloppuisin. Odotamme sinulta: Lapsirakkaus ja kokemus: Kokemusta lastenhoidosta ja vilkkaiden lasten kanssa toimimisesta. Iloista ja positiivista asennetta sekä kykyä kohdata erilaisia tilanteita kärsivällisesti. Ajokortti: Hakijalla tulee olla voimassa oleva ajokortti ja valmius ajaa Suomessa. Kieli- ja kulttuuritaito: Toivomme, että puhut sujuvasti englantia tai suomea, jotta kommunikaatio sujuu mutkattomasti. Tarjoamme sinulle: Majoitus ja ylläpito: Oma erillinen vastaremontoitu saunallinen asunto kotimme yhteydessä. Ruokaraha, joukkoliikenteen matkakortti, puhelinliittymä, wifi, mahdollisuus autonkäyttöön myös vapaa-ajalla. Perheen tuki: Avoin ja lämmin perhe, joka tukee sinua ja auttaa sopeutumaan uuteen ympäristöön. Mahdollisuus oppia suomen kieltä ja tutustua suomalaiseen kulttuuriin. Kompensaatio: Kilpailukykyinen palkkio sovitaan erikseen, ja se sisältää taskurahan ja mahdolliset muut etuudet. Hakeminen Jos koet, että olet etsimämme au pair ja haluat viettää ikimuistoisia hetkiä perheemme kanssa, lähetä meille vapaamuotoinen hakemus, jossa kerrot itsestäsi, kokemuksistasi ja miksi haluaisit tulla osaksi perhettämme.
Duration 6-12 months

Want to be an Au Pair in Leicester?

by Matthew • Leicester, United Kingdom
Hi my name is Matthew and I am looking for a new au pair to join our family in Leicester. If this sounds interesting then we can't wait to hear from you! Please send me a message if you are interested.
Duration 12+ months

Looking for a compassionate and capable Au/pair/Personal Care Assistant

by Carol • Aylesbury, United Kingdom
Looking for someone who is a great all rounder and happy to help me run all parts of our home from child minding/light cooking/tidying and and driving (automatic car) as well as aid me in my personal tasks as I have mobility issues with my limbs so need assistance to get in and out of my chair as well as to get ready in the morning. Looking for about 30hrs a week mostly during the week to include occasional babysitting depending on weekly schedule. Pay is from ### - ### per week depending on age and experience and agreement reached for 30hrs per week spread throughout the week. A private room with shared bathroom Food and use of car. Potential for earning extra if more hours needed. Looking for someone who wants to be part of the family and is happy to live in the country. There will be days when not needed on weekends when my husband is home. Our family lives in a small town in Buckinghamshire and we have 2 boys 5 and 10yrs old.
Duration 1-3 months

Looking for Reliable Care for My Dog

by Linda • Galway
Hello! We are looking for a responsible, reliable and energetic dog sitter with a few years experience who lives near Galway. Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
€9 - €11 / night

Au Pair for Family in Swindon

by Sam • Swindon, United Kingdom
We are a family from Swindon currently looking for an au pair to help out with everyday childcare tasks. If you would you like to experience life in Swindon and think you have what it takes to help out with our child please get in touch! If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
Duration 3-6 months

Were Looking for an Au Pair

by Ana Maria • Greater Geelong, Australia
We would like to find an au pair to be part of our family. If you'd like the chance to learn our language and find out more about our culture then we'd love to hear from you. Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
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