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Ronalda C.
Fra kr null /t
Ansat 6 gange

Om Ronalda

50 år Taler Engelsk
Hiya. Please consider me for the position. I would love love love to look after your little one. I myself have raised 4 wonderful children aged 20, 21, 22, 27 At one stage i had 3 on bottles and terry cloth nappies so i can safely say i have experience with young ones and all the joy they bring. I am a 46 year old non-smoker, currently finishing up my Bachelor of Education degree online. I have 25 years of experience with children from babies to adults. My Blue Card, First Aid and CPR and Police Check are all recently renewed. I have taught swimming from babies to adult and youth theatre from 8 to 18 year olds, and have dealt with everything from anaphylaxis to ADD to ADHD to epilepsy to disabilities. I love being around children and playing with children - hence why i love nannying. I love making slime and play dough, painting and colouring, paper mâché and singing silly songs whilst dancing like a crazy person, baking to backyard cricket. I would love to talk to you further about helping you out.
Ikke-ryger Komfortabel med husdyr


baseret på 3 anmeldelser
MW Marc W.
Anmeldt den 28.10.2019


Spædbarn (under 12 måneder)
Teenager (12+)
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Har erfaring med tvillinger / trillinger

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Lettere husholdning
Putning af børn
Madlavning / Forberedning af måltid
Aflevering / Afhentning
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Certifikat i hjerte-lunge-redning
Certifikat i førstehjælp