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Martha A.
Fra kr null /t

Om Martha

25 år Taler Tysk Engelsk
Martha a 24-year-old from Ghana, is eager to experience cultural exchange as an au pair. She currently works as a Kindergarten Teacher and is passionate about nurturing and educating children. Martha is open-minded and values communication, respect, and understanding in a family setting. She has completed Montessori training, which has equipped her with skills in child development, creativity, and fostering independence. Martha is seeking more than just a place to stay; she's looking for a warm, welcoming home where she can contribute, learn, and grow. She plans to be an active participant in family life, assisting with childcare, light household tasks, and building lasting connections. Martha is excited to create a mutually rewarding experience with her host family, filled with laughter, learning, and even spontaneous dance parties.
Komfortabel med husdyr


Småbørn (1-3 år)
Spædbarn (under 12 måneder)
Teenager (12+)
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Børnehavealder (4-6 år)
Har erfaring med tvillinger / trillinger

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Lettere husholdning
Putning af børn
Madlavning / Forberedning af måltid
Aflevering / Afhentning
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