At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

-Refer for cash & discount at 908-671-1440: 01 Friend(s) = 05% off 02 Friend(s) = 10% off 03 Friend(s) = 15% off 04 Friend(s) = 20% off 05 Friend(s) = 25% off 06 Friend(s) = 30% off *Must be separate houses & have 2 completed sessions with Q.T.M.S.!
In business since: 2002
Total Employees: 1
Awards & Accreditations
2002-2024-The White House & Marquis' Global and in America Award Recipient
2023-LinkedIn's 2023 Educational Milestone Award (for serving as Board Member & Superintendent of Schools for Quyloon's Tutoring/Teaching & Mentoring Services' registered, ClassDojo verified and confirmed School for the Underprivileged & Disadvantaged
2023-ClassDojo's 2023 Best Teacher, Tutor, Counselor, & Mentor in the World Awards
2023-Presidential Platinum Award from the Office of the President (The White House)
2023-Presidential Award from the Office of the President (The White House)
2023-Guinness World Record (2002-2023)
2023-28 Millionth 5-Star Review
2022-Best of Colleges and Universities Award
2022-Best of Prekindergarten Schools Award
2022-Best Specialty Schools Award
2022-Best Speech Coaching Award
2021-Thank you letters from the White House, United States Tennis Association, Zoom, and other corporate leaders and governmental officials
2020-Most 5 stars by Google LLC, Yelp, Datagemba, G2, corporate and governmental leaders, and people like you!
2020-Best YouTube Creator and Contributor Award
. . . and more . . .

5+ Federal, Advanced Licenses (Level IV):
ClassDojo approved, recommended, and recognized. ClassDojo is a network of school superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, and student who collaborate together to make education great again!
We are a ClassDojo approved and recognized volunteering agency and School.
We are a ClassDojo approved and recognized volunteering agency and Tutor.
We are a ClassDojo approved and recognized volunteering agency and Mentor/Counselor/Coach.
National Center for Safety Initiative-You and your minor(s) are protected by the United States!
National Center for SAFESport Initiative-Your minor(s) is protected by Q.T.M.S. & U.S.A.!
College Reading & Learning Association-Quality In-Person & Remote Educational License (nursery-doctoral studies)
Recognized Tennis Instructor & Coach-United States Tennis Association Licensed Coach
Federal Communication Commission-Federally licensed operator!
Rape, Abuse, Incent, and National Network (R.A.I.N.N.) certified, trained, and trusted!

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.


Monday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Tuesday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Wednesday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Thursday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Friday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Saturday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Sunday :
12:00AM - 11:45PM
Program Details
Small Group
One to one
High School
Elementary School
College/Graduate level
Middle School & Jr. High
Special Needs
Learning Disabilities
Academic Skills
English as a Second Language
Study Skills
Homework help
Subject Tutoring
Earth Science
Foreign Languages
Exam Prep
State Test Prep
Praxis prep
Travel Radius(in miles):

Cost & Availability

Type Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
  • Personal Check|
  • Cash|
  • Credit Card

Ratings & Reviews

( 18)
Mister Quyloon is an excellent teacher, tutor, child care specialist, counselor, and more! His wealth of knowledge is absolutely perfect for my grand daughters and even my daughters. I love that he speaks Spanish to them. His Spanish is perfect, by the way it is better than mine to be exact, and I was raised in another country that is not here. I appreciate that he walks to teach classes with students in the Mattano Park area to walk quickly by foot to conduct class nearby Warinanco Park! I mean, how does he do that?! Mister Quyloon, Quyloon's Tutoring-Teaching and Mentoring Services, and his School are out of this world!
Tara R
Good morning. Thank you so much and yes [my children have] showed a lot of improvement. I am so happy that us as a team have made such a huge impact on [them] already [after just one class with Quyloon's Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Services and Mister Quyloon]. Yayyyyy!!!! I'm so happy for [my children]. [They] really enjoyed [their] time with you and can't wait to see the journey unfold. Thank you so much and so proud of [my children's] improvement thanks to the team. Thank you. I truly appreciate the effort that [Mister Quyloon, his volunteer agency with Q.T.M.S., and his School are] putting in to get [my children] on the right track. [We parents are] so happy with [my children's] accomplishments. Super proud of the team putting in the time and effort. [My husband and I] are so happy that you are taking the time to work with [our children] and help [them, even on our Sabbaths and Jewish holidays]. So grateful for this. Originally, we could not find a private teacher, tutor, counselor and many people promised to help out but then we found Mister Reese. Thank you Mister Quyloon Reese! He even walks very far to get to us and speed walks to another classes that is some 5 mile away from us and we said, "Oh wow that is a very far walk for him"! That is amazing so happy
Elena L
Thank you Brother Reese. You were a big help to my children's confidence in school and just in life period! Thank you. You have no idea what you mean to us and others.
Xavier L
So . . . I gave him many of hugs and thanked him like a thousand times. He suggested that I contact my English professor to see if I can get a grade higher and mentioned that I would also do extra credit like Mister Quyloon mentioned. Guess what? I received a grade higher than projected online. I also received twenty nine 100% in History class because of Mister Quyloon and his excellent teaching, tutoring, mentoring skills, and more!
Jadin M
Here is the written form

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to QTMS for the invaluable help and support provided throughout our tutoring journey together. From the moment I began in October 2022, I knew I was in capable hands. You have been instrumental in my academic growth, and I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact you have had on my life. Each month brought new challenges, but thanks to your guidance, I not only conquered them but also achieved remarkable grades.

In October, when I first embarked on this tutoring adventure, I was filled with anxiety. However, your patient and methodical teaching approach immediately put me at ease. Your experience and dedication helped me grasp difficult concepts, leading to a significant improvement in my grades. With your guidance, I accomplished the extraordinary feat of receiving straight A's for the first time in my academic career.

As November rolled around, I realized that my writing skills needed improvement. Your exceptional ability to provide constructive feedback and suggest ways to enhance my essays proved to be a game-changer. Month after month, I witnessed my writing evolve, thanks to your insightful advice. The confidence I gained in expressing my thoughts and ideas on paper is a testament to your exceptional tutoring skills.

December marked another milestone in my journey with you. The challenges I faced in physics and chemistry seemed insurmountable at times, but your patience and unwavering belief in my abilities propelled me forward. Your dedication to my success was evident every step of the way.

As our tutoring sessions continued into May, I reflected on the remarkable progress I had made with your guidance. Each month, you went above and beyond to ensure my academic success, offering personalized strategies tailored to my learning style. Your support extended beyond academics, as you encouraged me to set ambitious goals and pushed me to achieve them. With your guidance, I reached the pinnacle of my academic journey, achieving outstanding results and a newfound confidence in my abilities.

In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to QTMS for being an exceptional tutor and mentor. Your unwavering support, expert knowledge, and genuine care have made a great impact on my academic journey. I am eternally grateful for the growth I have experienced under your guidance and for the countless invaluable lessons learned along the way. Thank you for being an integral part of my success story and for helping me realize my full potential.
Edna A
Mr. Quyloon walks in all inclement weather we know of to reach us by foot, even if we are 2 hours or more away for his location. I started to see how much my three granddaughters loved him and his registered and renowned international School of the Disadvantaged & Underprivilege when they all said and agreed, "We want Mister Quyloon! When is he coming back? We miss him. We want Mr. Quyloon here with us!" He came on Tuesday last week, but when he finally arrived on Thursday, my three granddaughters jumped up and were so exited to see Mr. Quyloon once again, even when I drove my grands to the meeting location for his classroom. They love learning with their international, very educated federally licensed teacher, behavioral coach, mentor, and so much more to them, myself, the community and most of all my extended family! Mister Quyloon knows that we do not have the money to pay for elite schooling and educational assistance. We called him, and he helped us right away! His volunteering agency is not fueled by money but something else most if not all educational and other institutions lack, a heart that of gold. Mister Quyloon and Quyloon's Tutoring, Teaching, & Mentoring Services are a rare find beyond compare! In less than two weeks, he and his School are already one of us!
Cynthia A
Thank you. God bless you!

Mr. Quyloon conducts classes and comes by foot 2 hours to our agreed location and back to his world headquarters' location to teach, behaviorally coach, and mentor my daughter who is in second grade, my niece who is in fourth grade, and my three and a half year old daughter who may be able to go to preschool after finishing with Quyloon's Tutoring, Teaching, and Mentoring Services. He does this three days a week in combination with other Teams we hear him on the phone with just before leaving class. We just started this September 1st, and their grandparents and I already see a drastic difference in their academics and decision-making. Q.T.M.S. also babysits them, and we trust it and the work it does because of its many federal licenses and years of professional, educated experience it has internationally.
Tommy D
Hello my brother.. it was really nice working with you the day of the show..You kept your composure and displayed, patience when things got [heightened].. Great Communication.. Mild Spirited..

A brother like that we all need Great Job..!!

Are you volunteering bro. ?

-Tommy, Intermediate Salsa Instructor & Choreographer, Tommy @ DANCE, The Dance Workshop
Pam A
Hi..I appreciate you...your self sacrifice was apparent to all. Your role as assisting stage manager/acting stage manager and director was so vital. Thank you for what you did.
Sarina R
Thank you to Quyloon Reese [and Q.T.M.S.] . . . that made tonight a success at Belleville High School on July 2nd, 2023. We had well over 700 in attendance to watch The Dance Workshop's dance and lyrical performers!

And Wow [about the Q-Time-Capsule featuring my staff, the cast, the janitorial school staffers, behind-the-scenes footage, and more for our 25th Anniversary for The Dance Workshop celebrating event] What a surprise your Q-Time-Capsule collection was! Talk about talent? You are such a hard working and spiritual brother.

Thank you so much for All your HARD work! May Jehovah continue to bless you.

Ariadne M
Thank you Quyloon for showing me that anything is possible with a little hard work and perseverance. [Quyloon] helped me pass the two math classes I needed in order to graduate with my associates in business. Before working with Quyloon[,] I had to retake the same math class like 3 times[.] I thought that it was impossible and I wouldn't be able to do it but when I started working with Quyloon I was able to pass it[.] . There was even a time when he came to my house at 5 am so that we could study before my math final [and walked some 800,000+ steps to help me from October 2022 to May 2023 while he was also walking to other team way passed where I lived just to volunteer]. The hard work wasn't for nothing because I had finally passed my class[es]. not only that when we continu[e] to work for my last math class I got a 97 as a final grade[.] [T]his is coming from someone who could barely even get a C in math. From a C grade to a A+ I wouldn't have done it without Quyloon and his tutoring, [teaching], and mentoring services. Not only did he help me with tutoring[, but] he also helped me with academic advising[.] I would recommend anyone to at least try one cl[ass] with Quyloon and they'll definitely see a difference in their academics and or their mind set to think out of the box in a good way[.] Thank you Quyloon[.] I appreciate everything you have helped me with [since 8th grade][,] and I know you are someone who definitely enjoys helping others and strive for their success.
Jadin M
"You more than answered my questions. Wow. Thank you! You are perfect!"
" Me quitaste el 40 % de los hombros!" " Eres el mejor profesor!" " Te traeremos chocolate!"
-Columbia (International)
Student Remark: "You took 40% off my shoulders!" "You are the best professor!" "We will bring you chocolate!"
Mia Y
You have been great!
And I appreciate all that you do.

So before I fully pause their sessions, how about I go to an every other week if your schedule allows.
Jasminne R
Mr. Reese May God bless you always for doing such a wonderful and phenomenal job with all of your students. I am so appreciative of you. You helped me so much at UCC and guided me through every problem I needed help with. Seeing you move on and create something so much bigger is of great satisfaction to me. Please keep doing what you're doing. You are truly of the few that goes above and beyond to help all that seek you out. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jamal B
Quyloon does a great job of really helping a student of his to reach their full potential. He will make his schedule work so that you can have the assistance you need. He's passionate about teaching. I'd highly recommend giving him an opportunity to teach. He will get the results you want.
Kimberly G
I could not say enough about the passion with which Mr. Quyloon brings to every lesson! He is constantly engaging and has my daughter smiling and laughing, which leads to calming her fears over her math phobia! Thank you, Mr. Quyloon!!
Idika F
Amazing federal educational officer of the United States and for my family overseas! Call him for your newborns, infants, and older children. He also helps my teenagers, me as an adult, and my grandparents all free of charge, because we cannot afford it!

The best we can do is leave Mr. Quyloon a great feedback and pass along his volunteer agency's sign-up form or via text. He helps English and Spanish speaking people! Google, "Quyloon qtms". You will see everything there!
-Refer for cash & discount at 908-671-1440: 01 Friend(s) = 05% off 02 Friend(s) = 10% off 03 Friend(s) = 15% off 04 Friend(s) = 20% off 05 Friend(s) = 25% off 06 Friend(s) = 30% off *Must be separate houses & have 2 completed sessions with Q.T.M.S.!
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