Chef Showdown

Mon (6/29/20) 7:45am–5:30pm EDT
Tue (6/30/20) 7:45am–5:30pm EDT
Wed (7/1/20) 7:45am–5:30pm EDT
Thu (7/2/20) 7:45am–5:30pm EDT
Fri (7/3/20) 7:45am–5:30pm EDT
5–12 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
$130 plus 3.85% service fee

THEME: Chef Showdown!

Wok it like you talk it! We’re cooking up something hot at MaxLife and we want you to be the Chef! While we ‘bacon’ the sun, we will also have fun making bread rolls and buns. ‘Lettuce’ celebrate our independence with a Chef Showdown that’s the best thing since sliced bread.


Due to the unfortunate circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, MaxLife has made some changes in order to help best serve and protect our community this summer. Please Read Below.

Registrations for MaxLife camps will be available 2 weeks at a time. This will help us insure that we have the most flexibility in the event of camp closures.

In the unfortunate event of the cancellation of your camp prior to its “Start Date”, MaxLife will refund all paid deposits.

MaxLife will not be able to provide multi-child/ multi-camp discounts or scholarships this summer– As an alternative, we have lowered all camp costs to a flat rate of $135 per child rather than our previous rate of $150 per child before discounts.

MaxLife will be operating at a 50% capacity to start and may increase that percentage as the summer progresses. Because of this, we will be operating on a first-come-first-serve basis starting with a maximum of 40 registrations.

In order for MaxLife to be able to serve you the best we can this summer, our camp hours have been slightly adjusted. New camp hours are 7:45 AM – 5:30 PM.

To limit contact between kids, we will have a max of 13 campers per group plus the staff members needed to maintain safety and security. This may mean that your child ends up in a group outside of their age range. (for example – if your child is 7, but that group is at capacity, your child may be placed in the group above or below their age.)

Upon arrival, all persons (child or staff) will have their temperature scanned before entering the building. If your child has a temperature of 100.4 F or higher, they will not be permitted back on campus until a doctor’s note is provided clearing your child of any spreadable illness.

DROP OFF/ PICK UP – This summer, all check in and check outs will be handled through CAR LINE ONLY. We ask that all parents please stay in their vehicle while a MaxLife Staff comes to take payment and scan your child’s temperatures. If your child needs further assistance with getting out of the vehicle, our staff will let you know when it’s okay for you to help them.

DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES – To limit heavy contact points, we will be putting a time frame to drop off and pick ups.

DROP OFF- All children must be dropped off between 7:45 AM and 9:45 AM. If you arrive after 9:45 AM to drop off your child, you will have to remain in your vehicle with your child until a staff member is available to take the proper check-in measures. (See Above Sections) Keep in mind that wait times may vary.

PICK UP – Carline for pick up will start at 4:30 PM and end no later than 5:30 PM. All campers must be picked up by 5:30 PM. If you need to pick up your child before 4:30PM please make the Morning Staff aware, with a written note about the time of pick up.

FACE MASKS – We are strongly encouraging that every person (Campers and Staff) entering the building wears a face mask. To limit the spread of all illnesses, face masks will be strongly encouraged but not required, during all indoor activities. For the safety of our kids and staff we will not be requiring face masks during any outdoor activity.

We will be enforcing new personal hygiene practices to make sure that we help limit and control the spread of germs. Some of these practices include:

– Required hand sanitizer station at check in/check out table

– Washing hands after every rotation.

-Wiping and sanitizing all heavily touched points on campus throughout the day.

-Limiting number of campers and staff per group and maintaining social distancing between other groups.

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING ABOUT WHAT YOUR CHILD IS ALLOWED TO BRING WITH THEM TO CAMP. We are trying to limit the cross contamination of germs from kid to kid.

Your child may not bring the following items:

Toys (i.e barbies, dolls, pokemon/trading cards, BeyBlades, etc)
Personal Items (Blankets, pillows, hairbrushes, makeup/nail polish, etc)
Your child MAY bring the following items:

Electronic Devices (tablets, cellphones, handheld gaming systems, chargers, etc) – must be able to fit in a one gallon ziplock bag which will be provided.
Backpack or bag – only to hold approved items.
Change of Clothes – if your child is prone to accidents, please pack them a change of clothes in a ziplock bag with their name on it.
Towels and Water Day Gear (On water day only)
Face Mask
Your child is required to bring the following:

REQUIRED Water Bottle (with an easily identifiable name label.) – all water fountains will be off limits this summer. Please have your child bring a personal water bottle that we will be able to refill using a controlled water station.
REQUIRED Lunch Box – We will not be ordering from Jersey Mike’s this year in an effort to control contamination. All kids will be required to bring a packed lunch.
If you or your family have participated in any activities that included large groups of people we ask that you make sure your child is not sick before sending them to camp.

Do not send your child to camp if they are coughing, sneezing, experiencing shortness of breath, muscle pain, chills, a sore throat or fever of 100.4 F or higher. If we notice that a child is exhibiting symptoms, the child will be separated from group and required to be picked up immediately.

Please check back on our website to stay up to date on all our procedures and questions as the summer progresses.

Summer Camp
This series already took place