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Elisa B.
Desde null /h
4 contrataciones

Acerca de Elisa

30 años Habla Alemán Inglés
Hey! My name is Elisa and I am 23 years old. I live in Munich Germany but I am looking for a big adventure somewhere abroad. I have a lot of experience with children, starting with working for the kindergarden of airbus and having years of experience babysitting all ages of kids. I am a trained pastry cook so I love to bake with the kids a lot. Also I Love to craft things and be creative. And everything the children are playing with I will join them and be sure they have a great time. I am learning French at the moment and I am more than happy with pets. I am a happy person and I make a lot of jokes. After spending my first 23 years at home I want to see the world and experience different kinds of cultures. So if you think I would fit in your world please write me :) Have a great day Elisa
No soy fumador/a Acepta que haya mascotas


basado en 3 opiniones
MM Margarete M.
Revisado el 10/05/2018


Bebé (1-3 años)
Recién nacidos (hasta 12 meses)
Edad escolar (6-12 años)
Edad preescolar
Tiene experiencia en el cuidado de gemelos


Tareas básicas de la casa
Poner los niños a dormir
Cocinar y preparación de comidas
Lavar la ropa
Servicio de recogida
Compra de la comida
Ver más


Certificado RCP
Licencia de conducir
Bachillerato y selectividad