I am recovering from surgary and need help caring for my kids

Addergoole F12, Galway

€293 - €3763 days, 25 Hr.

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This will be the easiest child care job ever. I need some one temparaly to help with my two kids. I will be her to help and hang out. Recovery from my surgary will take 3 to 5 days. I need help putting them down for bedtime and naps. Reheating there meals I will have made before surgary. Just doing what ever I can't for them. It's a simple key whole operation so it's nothing drastic. Thanks
Created by Niki
on 04/08/2018

Job Details

3 days, 25 Hr.
Starts: Shortly

About Family

2 Children
Age: Newborn (up to 12 months), Toddler (1-3 years)

Desired services

Cooking / Meal preparation
Putting kids to bed


Comfortable with Pets
Has own transportation