Housekeepers in Woodbridge

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Did you know...
The average hourly rate for housekeepers in Woodbridge is between $18 and $23
XgxgNm q.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Woodbridge
Looking for housekeeping job
| 4 years experience, 3 references. Have been working for the last 3 months, as a Housekeeper, since I arrived from the Philippines to join my husband. During this period I have also learned the Canadian way of cleaning homes and feel confident in my ability to do a great job. During the course of these three months, I have worked for a number of families as a part-timer/temp, and can provide you with references. My preference is to work for one family full time, four or five days a week, but will take whatever is available for the time being. Hope to be working for you soon. Cloden
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Housekeepers in Woodbridge

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