A Lifetime of Music

368 Gorham Rd
Scarborough, ME 04074

A Lifetime of Music

368 Gorham Rd, Scarborough, ME 04074
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Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

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In business since: 1999
Total Employees: 1
Awards & Accreditations

Master's in Music Performance - Full Scholarship, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Bachelor's in Music Performance - Full Scholarship

Jeffery Kazukiewicz has been mentoring students of all ages and levels on violin, viola and piano for nearly 20 years. He has established several successful private teaching studios in MA, NH and ME where his students have excelled under his guidance, earning principal seats in the premiere New England youth orchestras and music festivals and in many chamber music performances. Mr. Kazukiewicz has worked in conjunction with donors to provide scholarships for children in need, enabling them to afford the opportunity to take private lessons. Former students of his have earned scholarships to attend Phillips Exeter Academy and continued studies in violin performance in college.
Mr. Kazukiewicz has coached ensembles, master classes and both orchestral and choral ensembles. He has taught as an adjunct strings teacher in both the Ipswich Middle School and Brooks Preparatory School and is currently the adjunct strings faculty at York Middle School.

Performance Background

Mr. Kazukiewicz is performing extensively as an orchestral player, chamber musician, and soloist with ensembles such as Portland Symphony, New England String Ensemble and Boston Landmarks Orchestra to name a few. He is the founder of Wolfeboro Chamber Ensemble which has been performing summer concert series since 2011. He has appeared as a guest soloist numerous times performing the Violin Concertos of Tchaikowsky, Mozart and Bruch as well as Ravel's Tzigane and Meditation of Thais by Jules Massenet. Mr. Kazukiewicz was guest artist in the Ludwig Diehn Series held at Old Dominion University, where he premiered and recorded the Sonata for Violin & Piano by L. Diehn. His live performances have been broadcast via WBFO Buffalo 88.7 NPR Radio and WGBH Boston 89.7 Radio.
In addition to classical music freelancing, Mr. Kazukiewicz was the violinist for the Grammy Nominated J.L. Orchestra with whom he has recorded six albums. He also worked with Steven Sondheim and Arthur Laurents and has performed for other Broadway hits such as The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady at the Ogunquit Playhouse. Other performances include Ray Charles, Smokie Robinson, Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman and various others. Mr. Kazukiewicz has made an appearance performing the Schubert String Quintet in C Major & more


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Program Details
One to one
High School
Elementary School
College/Graduate level
Middle School & Jr. High

Cost & Availability

Type Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
  • Personal Check|
  • Cash

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