Comic Book Art Workshop

Weekly on Thursdays from Thu, Apr 25 to Thu, May 16
8–14 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only

Have you ever wanted to create your own comics? Join us in this amazing comic book art workshop, where you'll learn everything you need to know to bring your comic ideas to life! Over the course of a four week session, students will be guided through drawing action-packed figures, creating expressive scenes, designing epic backgrounds, mastering panel layouts, and even crafting your very own comic book cover! By the end of the workshop, you'll have your own completed comic ready to show off to your family and friends. Get ready to unleash your creativity and become a comic book artist!

The workshop is taught by Marcel Farrell, a local Connecticut artist with a bachelor's degree in art, specializing in illustration and creating their own comics. They're incredibly passionate about the world of comic books and have an extensive understanding of the comic book medium, from how comic book illustration to its intricate storytelling techniques.

Dress for a mess!

art and advanced art lessons
This series was canceled