Conference "Really, do we need STEM?"

Tuesday, May 21 from 7–8pm CDT
For adults

Attention parents, grandparents, and teachers,

Don't miss out on an exciting opportunity to learn about the importance of STEM subjects in shaping our children's future. Join us at the upcoming conference, where we will provide valuable insights on how STEM education can help build a strong foundation for your child's professional life.

Our expert speaker, Maria Outon, will discuss the benefits of STEM education for your child's critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

At Stemtree of Brownsville, we are committed to bringing basic science to life and fostering a love for STEM in children.

During the conference, we will provide complimentary refreshments to make sure you are comfortable while gaining valuable insights.

Coffee and pastries will be provided during the conference

STEM, academic, parent conference, critical thinking, high order thinking, and problem solving
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