West African Dance

Saturday, May 18 from 1:15–2:15pm EDT View the full series
5–50 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only

West African Dance is like a vibrant and joyful celebration that takes place on the dance floor. Imagine a rhythmic journey that's filled with energy, community spirit, and a whole lot of fun! Picture yourself moving to the infectious beats of drums, feeling the pulse of the music deep in your bones. In West African Dance, every step, every sway, every gesture tells a story. It's a dance style that's deeply rooted in tradition and culture, passed down through generations, and it's a way to connect with the rich history of West Africa. Now, let's talk about the moves! West African Dance is known for its lively, high-energy steps. You'll find yourself doing footwork that's like a rhythmic conversation with the music, and you might even get to show off some fancy foot stomping and quick spins. The best part? There's no right or wrong way to do it! It's all about expressing yourself and letting the music guide your body. But what really makes West African Dance special is the sense of community. When you join a West African dance class or performance, you're not just dancing; you're becoming part of a family. You'll dance alongside others, share in the joy of the music, and create a bond that goes beyond the dance floor. So, in a nutshell, West African Dance is a lively, rhythmic adventure that lets you express yourself, connect with tradition, and become part of an amazing dance community. It's all about having a blast while moving to the beat of life!

dance, art, sports, theater, and music
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