KC Stage 6 - Sports, Exercise, Movement, Healthy Kids and Yoga Fun (3-5 years old)

Thursday, May 30 from 6–6:45pm EDT
Weekly on Thu starting Tuesday, Sep 5 and ending Saturday, Jan 31
In business since '19
3–5 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
Free trial for new customers

Sports, Exercise, Movement, Healthy Kids and Yoga Fun

This class focuses on non-competitive pre-sports and exercise skills to promote healthy activity. We work on skills like throwing, catching, kicking and tumbling that are combined with creative movements and props. We introduce your little ones to sports like soccer, baseball, basketball and even golf! We start each class by stretching and exercising. It is a very active class!

Children along with their parents will participate in movement and learning to be part of a team!

Dress comfortably and wear socks!

play, sports, MommyandMe, DaddyandMe, HealthyKids, Movement, Yoga Fun, Exercise, and Teamwork
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