Pet Care in Consecon

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Ava D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Consecon
1 Verification
I respect all living things, appreciate our animal companions, and love life.
| While I have no "official" experience caring for animals and birds, I have "unofficially" cared for animals and birds my entire adult life. Currently, I have the happiest 4-year old dog on earth and a very contented middle-aged cat. I am healthy and active but I am also very mellow, which makes it easy for pets to be around me.
... more
  • From $10
  • Consecon
I respect all living things, appreciate our animal companions, and love life.
| While I have no "official" experience caring for animals and birds, I have "unofficially" cared for animals and birds my entire adult life. Currently, I have the happiest 4-year old dog on earth and a very contented middle-aged cat. I am healthy and active but I am also very mellow, which makes it easy for pets to be around me.
... more
From $10
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Pet Care in Consecon

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