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Janice J.
Vancouver V6B, British Columbia
From $25 /hr
From $25
Hourly rate

About Janice

38 years old Speaks English
Cleaning started in my home! I live in a studio apartment and as an artist I can get messy with my paints and crafts. During the recent years, I've becone quite meticulous and determined to making my space as clean as possible. And when it is time for my guests to arrive or when my building manager pays a visit, they are thrilled and delightfully impressed. i also take every opportunity to help transform my own family and friends' spaces into a neat and tidy setting. I mainly use natural or plant based cleaning products, never bleach or lysol. My goal is to help someone in need and who is looking for someone like myself who is determined to help!


Household help

Refrigerator cleaning
Dish washing
Floor cleaning