Broadway Mini-Stars

Saturday, Feb 22, '20 from 9:30–10:25am CDT View the full series
In business since July, '16
24 mos–3 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather
$40 2 spots left!
30% sibling discount available
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events from Stages Chicago!

Feeling like your Broadway Baby is ready for the next step? Then this class is just for you! Broadway Mini-Stars uses the magic of musical theater to ease the transition from toddler to preschooler with a gentle separation approach that will have your little one saying “so long farewell” in no time. Developed by a professional performer turned child development specialist, Mini-Stars classes are taught by a team of professional teaching artists and include movement, music, process art, Bubble Intermission, and drama activities inspired by the Broadway show of the week.
*Broadway Mini-Stars is a gentle separation experience so parents and caregivers will be allowed to stay until their child is comfortable separating.

Broadway Mini-Stars
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