Broadway & Me: Lullaby League

Thursday, Nov 14, '19 from 12:30–1:15pm CDT View the full series
In business since July, '16
up to 18 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
$37 Waitlist
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events from Stages Chicago!

Created specifically for newborns, crawlers, and early walkers, Broadway & Me: Lullaby League is the perfect first music class for your tiny Broadway fan! Each week, infants and their caregivers are introduced to exciting new songs, characters, and stories as Broadway Musicals are brought to life by a team of professional teaching artists. Created by a professional performer turned early childhood development specialist, Broadway & Me's unique curriculum is is both entertaining and developmentally appropriate. Each class incorporates activities designed to support your little one’s physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language development and with a minimum of three teaching artists per class, Broadway & Me offers plenty of individualized attention and encouragement!

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